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3 Reasons Grads and Undergrads Should Use Grammarly
Whether they’re composing an essay or a thesis, students can spend hours checking their work for grammatical errors and fine-tuning their style and tone of voice. This can be very frustrating, especially because balancing classes, work, and coursework can be super demanding. And a few overlooked typos can actually pull down your GPA. But this can be easily avoided by using a trustworthy writing assistant.
We wanted to find a tool that helps with everything from common grammatical mistakes to clarity, tone, and creativity. And most importantly, it had to offer a free, student-friendly version that works just as effectively.
Luckily, we found Grammarly—an AI assistant that provides real-time writing suggestions, prompts, and ideas all while boosting creative juices and rewarding students to write in their own words and uphold academic integrity.
Here are three reasons undergraduate and graduate students should use Grammarly to save time and reduce stress:
1. Suggested prompts
Grammarly adds unique context by suggesting one-click prompts such as “Build an essay/lab report/research paper outline” or “How to write a strong thesis statement” that help you compose high-quality writing assignments without slowing you down. It even lets you set your preferred voice so the writing it generates is completely personalized.
Unlike other AI writing assistants, Grammarly focuses on suggestions that help you with idea generation—oftentimes the hardest part is just getting started—and feedback. Generating exceptional essays that uphold academic integrity has never been easier!
2. Auto citations and plagiarism checks
Grammarly automatically produces accurate citations from popular research websites and generative AI products within seconds! With this awesome feature, you can quickly and easily cite your writing without having to manually research publishing sources, dates, authors, etc.—all for free!
Most writing assignments require that you review primary and secondary sources, which can sometimes lead to plagiarism—not with Grammarly. If you upgrade to Premium, Grammarly also helps students avoid unintentedl plagiarism when writing. Running a plagiarism check takes only a few seconds but can save you from having to rewrite your entire work or, worse, suffering the consequences of an inadvertent mistake.
3. Rewrite
Passive voice, awkward phrasing, or clunky words can creep into your writing without your noticing. Tight deadlines can get in the way of a close review or a fine edit. However, Grammarly’s suggested prompts for clarity and length can help articulate your ideas and make your writing fresh and original.
Grammarly suggests multiple complete sentence rewrites that you can either accept or reject with a simple click. Better yet, Grammarly also identifies instances of weak writing and provides an option to edit these excerpts for length. Pro tip: Select the suggested prompts “simplify it” or “improve it” to quickly elevate your writing.
Calling undergraduate and graduate students everywhere: Grammarly is a must-have writing tool for both undergrads and grads. Whether you are writing essays for class, refining your résumé for a job search, or applying for grad school, Grammarly is your one-stop shop for formulating, writing, editing, and revising your writing.
Try all of these features and get 100 suggested prompts with Grammarly now for free, and turn those papers in on time with confidence! And if you end up liking it so much, upgrade to any Grammarly Premium plan for 50% off between September 5 and October 11 to gain access to all of these features plus 1,000 suggested prompts, plagiarism detection, and citation style formatting!