5 Memes You'll Totally Get If You're Independent and Single AF

Despite what Rom Coms from the 80's might have you believe, every single lady is NOT looking for a boyfriend. Independent gals are living the high life without excess baggage weighing them down. But some brands just don't understand you're living out your thirty, flirty and thriving dreams.

SinglesSwag is a monthly subscription box filled with goodies handpicked for fabulous single women. It's the way to send yourself a little surprise prezzie, like when your wifed-up friend gets flowers. However, unlike her we don't have to listen to a husband scrutinizing over fantasy football for hours on end. IT'S JUST MAKE BELIEVE, JEFF!

The best part about SinglesSwag is how well they understand what women really want (who decided dying weeds were romantic?! god damn it, Jeff). Their full size beauty products, trending fashion items, and tasty treats are carefully selected to celebrate ladies doin' it for themselves. Still don't believe me? Of course you don't, you critical bish. See for yourself. Here are the five best memes from SinglesSwag's own Instagram that prove they get what single life's all about.

1. Science shows the conversational skills of your average fuckboi equal that of a -- you know what, they're not even worth the breathe. Just read feminist essay collections instead.

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2. Variety is the spice of life! The pumpkin spice. (I'd apologize for that one but being single means never having to say you're sorry.)

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3. Literally why would you step outside and deal with catcalls when you could stay in bed and eat Brownie Brittle with your dream journal?

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4. I'm just gonna leave this here….

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5. Don't let that mic drop hit you on the way out, honey.

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Satisfied? SinglesSwag is here to help you live like a Queen who won't share her crown. And starting at 24.99 a month for full sized products, you'll never have to compromise. On gifties or a man. Cheers to the single life! Long may it reign.

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