Get Vegan Soups, Smoothies And Grain Bowls Delivered Right To Your Door

Splendid Spoon smoothies and soups

About a year ago, I decided it was about time that I changed my diet to include a wider variety of fruits and vegetables.

I'd always eaten pretty well, but I had gotten into that inevitable take out/ fast food/ frozen meal rut that happens when you get your first office job. I've always taken a multivitamin, but there's nothing quite like eating fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. I started going to local farmers at the weekends to stock up on fresh produce and followed a bunch of health bloggers to get recipe inspo.

But, I always ended up either not having enough time in the morning to get up and make myself a smoothie, meaning most of what I bought would go bad before I had a chance to use it. Or I'd meal prep a giant pot of soup on a Sunday and have to eat the same thing for a week straight. So boring!

A couple of months back, I saw a girl on my morning commute drinking a delicious looking smoothie and saw that it was from Splendid Spoon. A quick search on my phone led me to their site, and it looked like the perfect solution to my problem!

Splendid Spoon is a vegan subscription service that delivers ready-to-eat plant-based soups, smoothies, and grain bowls right to your door. They have a ton of different flavors and recipes, and you can totally customize your plan to suit your taste. Everything arrives ready to heat up or drink and is pre-portioned, so you don't have to worry about over-indulging.

When I started to figure out how much I had been spending on fresh produce, I was shocked at how expensive healthy eating can be! I was determined to get a huge variety of fruit and veggies, and that meant I was spending a lot of money, not to mention the fact that most of what I was buying was going to waste. Splendid Spoon sounded like a great way to get the variety I craved, but with no waste or effort on my end.

I signed up for the breakfast and lunch option, which gave me 5 soups and 5 smoothies a week. I woke on Monday morning late, as usual, and grabbed the Power Greens Smoothie for breakfast. It's packed with Kale, which gave me the boost of iron I needed, and the banana made sure it was nice and sweet. I was surprised that it kept me feeling full until lunchtime. I had a crazy day at work that day, so it was really convenient having soup in the fridge ready to eat.

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Indian food is my absolute favorite, so the Cauliflower Tikka gave me all of the flavors I love, but without the guilt. It feels like everybody is obsessed with cauliflower these days, and I can see why! It filled me up without being too heavy, and the cashews gave it a great texture and made the soup feel more like a meal.

Splendid Spoon's weekly subscription has saved me money, and time. I was spending well over $100 on fresh produce every week, and this plan only costs $95. I have so much more variety of flavors now too, meaning I never get bored. Plus, no more weekly meal prepping means that I have my Sunday's back! It's great knowing I'm eating a well-balanced and healthy breakfast and lunch, so I can still indulge a little bit at dinner time without having to feel guilty. I've even lost a couple of pounds without trying!

I always thought that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables would cost me valuable time and money, but Splendid Spoon has made it so easy to eat well. Fast food - but healthy!

Update: The folks at Splendid Spoon are extending an exclusive offer to our readers! For a limited time, get $15 OFF the most popular plans!