The Delicious Supplement You Need For Thick & Lustrous Hair

Three packets of vegamour hair supplements with cup and branches off trees

I think about everything too much. And then I think too much about thinking about everything too much. It's a vicious cycle. But then I think - thinking is the perfect defense mechanism. I'm protecting myself - making sure I don't make the wrong decision. After all, this is probably the most demanding phase of my life - my small medical tech company is merging with a next-level partner!

In order to meet this exciting challenge, I've been evaluating and planning and pulling 60-70 hour work-weeks for the better part of this year. Let me tell you, my sleep, diet and my nerves took a beating. I was super run down - dark circles under my eyes, limp hair. No, I'll be honest, it was thinning and breaking mid-strand. So I only washed it once a week, stopped styling it, and seriously cut down on product. Nothing. Worked. I couldn't afford to lose my confidence at this critical point. It was time to take control of my hair.

Online research suggested that my compromised hair health might stem from poor diet - check; high stress levels - duh; and an overall internal imbalance - ya think? To rescue my hair, I should eat protein, complex carbs, and take a supplement. Bingo!

I remember the moment clearly - it was 3am - when I clicked on Vegamour'ssite. Wow - they have a variety of hair wellness products that naturally promote hair growth. They even have a supplemental powder - I simply drink it. No early morning scalp applications after my shower. I'd last about two minutes with that routine - so, not for me.

Vegamour's GRO Hair Boost Adaptogen Supplement seems like such a practical, time-efficient way to consistently get the nutrients my hair needs. Plus, it's vegan, safe for everyday use, no toxins, no hormones. But the best part is - there should be visible results as soon as 90 days.

And . . . mmm, yummy flavors - Berry, Matcha Green Tea and Chai Latte. I ordered a one-time monthly batch at $68 - just over $2 a day. If I don't like it, I can return it. I figured, what's to lose?

When the powder arrived - at my door, thank you, Vegamour! - I immediately stirred a scoop into my almond milk - sooo deee-lish. On weekends when my calendar's not as jammed, I scroll through the GRO Hair Boost Recipes. Heads-up, mouth-watering photos! And I blend smoothies like Pumpkin Chai (improves hair re-growth); Maple Chai Smoothie Bowls (for hair strength); and the ambrosial . . . Pineapple Chai Smoothie (for shiny hair). Then I sit on my deck with a smoothie, look at the sky, and empty my mind.

When the following month swung around, subscribing was a no-brainer - I save $10 a month - Free shipping! Every morning I sip it like clockwork - instead of coffee. Risky to skip my java, I know, but these days my energy is strong and steady. It must be all those hair-loving vitamins and adaptogens that miraculously work from the inside out to help balance my thyroid hormones and support my immune system.

I've been a full-on #VegamourFan for five months - haven't missed my daily chai once - and what a tremendous improvement. Strands are stronger, my hair fuller. Next week my team moves into our new headquarters - guess who has a corner office? I'm so happy. So happy. Did I mention I'm happy?

Vegamour truly loves my thick, lustrous hair. But not as much as I do.

HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Our friends at Vegamour are offering our readers a special offer! Use code BEAUTY25 to get 25% off at checkout!