How Dashlane Makes Online Shopping A Breeze

How Dashlane Makes Online Shopping A Breeze

All day every day, I’m all about the convenience of online shopping…-no way am I braving the madness of the mall!

To get all my favorite brands, I have to buy from like, 12 different sites. Such a pain, I hate nothing more than having to input all of my credit card info over and over and over. It’s the one downside of online shopping, plus I never remember my log-ins for all of my go-to sites. I always try to be creative so not all of my passwords are the same, and it backfires every time! After getting locked out of my Amazon account for the zillionth time, my frustrations led me to Dashlane.

It’s a free service that generates new, secure passwords for all your accounts. It helps you come up with one super-secure password (a misspelled acrostic of her favorite song lyric with numbers and symbols dispersed throughout) that you use to log in. Then, Dashlane generates more super-secure passwords for me, so I wouldn’t even need to remember them – they’d autofill.

I can’t tell you how many times I forget my passwords. Every single time I have to reset it just to log in! So annoying, so I loved that Dashlane would do it for me, and the service it completely free!

I can’t put off my shopping any longer, so decided to try it. I made an account on their website, and they helped me make a secure password. After memorizing it, I had Dashlane make passwords for all of the websites I go to most often.

No more logging in with my basic passwords! Now that I had this airtight password, I felt soo much better. Plus, the real life saver is that Dashlane remembers all of my billing and shipping details and auto-fills them across whatever site I’m shopping on, which has been such a timesaver.

It made buying all of my gifts, shoes, furniture, you name it, so much more seamless and saved me a ton of time. I also never even have to type passwords in anymore or remember if my Amazon Prime password starts with a capital or not (I used to forget literally every time I logged in).

Dashlane is really convenient and made my experience buying online so much easier. It’s also so much more secure to have a generated password- I’m way less likely to be hacked because my passwords are so much harder to guess. I can now check out in no time at all- now all I have to do is try and not spend all of my money!

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