Sponsored | 16 Aug, 19
Why Hint Is My Favorite Thing To Drink

A long time ago, I made it my goal to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I hate water, but when I tried to disguise it by turning it into iced tea with lemon and two packs of sugar each, I defeated my own purpose.
So I tried to go back to water. However, I just couldn’t stay on track with regular water, there is just NO FLAVOR! At my friend’s place for dinner one night, I was hoping for an excuse to drink a diet soda, but for once in her life, she was drinking something new – Hint water. So, I tried it. It’s fruit-flavored water that I didn’t expect to like, but I loved it!
I ordered enough Hint water online to help me meet my personal daily H2O challenge and that’s when I really became a fan.
Here are the 5 things I was surprised to discover about Hint:

It’s sugar-free and diet sweetener-free. No sugar, no stevia, no diet sweeteners, no nothin’. Fruit is high in sugars, but Hint’s process doesn’t leave any sugar behind; just a fun, fruity flavor.

There are so many flavors! There’s mango, blackberry, cherry, strawberry-kiwi, raspberry, lemon, peach, blood orange…. I still haven’t tried them all! Watermelon’s my favorite so far.

It’s calorie-free. Hint gets its flavor by boiling the skin of the fruit, so there are no leftover calories. No preservatives either!

It’s available for delivery. Online, you can build your own pack and order a mix of flavors: 36 bottles of Hint Pineapple, or half mango-grapefruit, half peach. You can also become a subscriber to your favorite flavors to have it delivered to your door every month!

It’s super tasty. Somehow refreshing enough to drink post-workout, yet yummy enough to substitute for sodas.
Hintgives me a better boost than water and it’s ten times tastier. There’s no catch! I like drinking something fun and fruity that helps me maintain a healthy blood sugar level and a healthy weight. It satisfies my sweet tooth, without diet sweeteners or preservatives. Now I have the opposite problem – I have to conserve my Hint bottles so I don’t run out every month. Hint turned me into a water-drinker.