Hate Lines At The Grocery Store? Boxed.com Makes Buying Household Essentials In Bulk Online Easy

Hate Lines At The  Grocery Store? Boxed.com Makes Buying Household Essentials In Bulk Online Easy

After becoming a mom, I started to depend on little hacks here and there to help me stay on top of things. Last year, I had my second, our baby girl Sophie, and our lives got a whole lot more chaotic fast. Grocery shopping is something that always causes an argument for my family. Driving to the store on my day off with 2 kids in tow is just not my idea of a Saturday well spent. Plus, I like to save money by buying in bulk, but Costco is a 45-minute drive away.

Recently, at a birthday party for one of my son’s friends, his mom told me about Boxed.com, a website that lets you shop in bulk for the everyday household necessities and pantry essentials you need, and delivers them right to your door.

Boxed.com is an online marketplace, and they offer all of the essentials you need in bulk, so the price per item works out to be a lot cheaper than the grocery store or Prime. They have name brands that I know and trust, like Bounty and Welches, but I’ve also discovered their own label, Prince & Spring, that offers everything from cooking oils to party supplies for super cheap. Prince & Spring trail mix is now my son’s favorite! When I went on their site, I was immediately impressed by the huge selection of products they have, but I was skeptical because I didn’t want to pay for another warehouse membership like Costco that I rarely use.

When I found out they don’t charge you a membership fee, and that I’m not tied into getting my items delivered every month, I was totally sold! I started discovering all sorts of cool little surprises; they offer free samples and deals of the week. But the part that I loved the most? They ship all of your items together, in one box. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve done a big order from Amazon, and they ship everything separately — so frustrating, it costs more and so much wasteful packaging!

Getting to skip the 4-year-old fits when you pass the candy aisle at the grocery store sounded ideal, so I placed my first order that week. Dish soap, paper napkins, snacks, pasta, and when I did the math, stocking up in bulk resulted in huge savings. Plus, I liked that I wouldn’t run out of the stuff we actually use every day, including diapers and baby food for the youngest one. Always having the “good cereal” on hand is the best way to avoid a temper tantrum and saving 20% on it is even sweeter. My order was over $49, so I even got free shipping! They also sent me a picture of all of my items packed in a box when they emailed my shipping confirmation.

My deliveries always arrive fast and with a handwritten thank you note — so personal! Boxed.com is a godsend if you’re planning a party or summer BBQ, too. I got so many cookies, snacks, and party supplies for my son’s 5th birthday party last month, and they came in just 2 days. It saved me so much time and money. Boxed.com saves all of your past orders, making reordering a breeze. No more waiting in long lines lugging heavy cat litter to the car with a toddler in tow!

Buying in bulk is so much easier now, and I love having my Saturdays back to spend with my family. At first, I was skeptical, but buying in bulk works out so much cheaper per item than the grocery store, plus I never have to worry about running out of essentials like baby food or toilet paper (or, yes, even wine!). Boxed.com helps me keep my family, and my wallet, happy. Being able to order all our monthly pantry essentials and household supplies at the push of a button after the kids are asleep? That makes Boxed.com the mom hack I can’t live without.

Use this link to save time and money, and stock up on all of your favorite household brands now at Boxed! Use code “LOVEBULK” at checkout for 15% off!

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