I Tried The Keto Diet: Here’s Why Gainful Made The Difference

I Tried The Keto Diet: Here’s Why Gainful Made The Difference

Like many people, I had trouble sticking with keto, the diet where you cut carbs to the point that your body burns fat instead.

When I managed to stick to it long term, keto had amazing effects: I had more energy, slimmed down, and felt pretty great. My downfall was making sure I got enough fat and protein to sustain my energy levels without feeling like I needed to compensate with carbs or sugar. After tough workouts especially, I often wanted something to give me a quick boost.

A friend suggested that I try to drink a protein shake after workouts to help me regain the energy I used up. The problem was, everything I tried was either totally chalky, awful tasting, or loaded with ingredients that would throw me out of ketosis. When my trainer recommended that I try a personalized protein powder from a company called Gainful to supplement my keto diet, it sounded promising. It turned out to be much more than that. Here’s how Gainful helped me stick to keto (and see great results!)

When I took Gainful’s online quiz to find out more about my personalized blend, I actually learned a lot about what to look for in a protein powder. I specified that I was on a keto diet, that I am a woman who wanted to slim down but maintain muscle tone, and that I was looking for after workout nourishment and recovery.

Right after I finished the short quiz, Gainful showed me my blend. My personalized blend has only 1 gram of carbs, coconut-based MCT oil to provide energy from fat, and whey protein isolate to help maintain muscle tone and start the recovery process after workouts. Gainful showed me every single ingredient—so, I felt confident the protein powder wouldn’t derail my diet. Plus I liked that the custom blend was made just for me—my body is really different than a body builder’s, so why would we use the same protein powder? All there was left to do was try it out!

I went for a chocolate protein powder, because why not have an after-gym treat? When it arrived a few days later, I went to my evening gym class as usual—a weightlifting day that was more intense than normal—and then prepped a shake with macadamia nut milk (my favorite of the nut milks!) and a scoop of the powder.

The first thing I noticed is that the shake was delicious, which is not a thought I’d ever had about protein shakes. The second thing I noticed is that I didn’t find myself craving crackers or cereal right before bed—I’d gotten enough fat and protein that I didn’t even feel the need, not even after a tough night at the gym. This was a total game changer for me.

A few weeks later, and I was finding it so much easier to maintain a keto diet. I wasn’t craving sugar like I used to and had fewer mood rollercoaster days. Since I had managed to stay pretty much consistent, even with a few digressions here and there, I’ve gotten to see the full benefits of keto. Not only am I slimmer and more energetic at the gym, but I also rarely experience low blood sugar, get a better night’s sleep on a more regular basis, and my mood has skyrocketed. I’m gaining muscle mass more easily and keeping fat off, so I really have that lean, toned look I wanted. Thanks to Gainful, I was able to give my body what it needed to succeed on keto, and that’s what made all the difference.

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