I Tried Liveli CBD, Here’s What Happened

I Tried Liveli CBD, Here’s What Happened

Being stuck at home and having a lot less to do these days, I have become very aware of my lifestyle.

I was constantly on the go with every minute of the day, not paying any attention to my body. Now with more time on my hands, I’ve realized my daily habits, like eating, sleeping, and mindfulness weren’t as healthy as they should be. I decided I wanted to do more to boost my overall wellbeing.

I started to go for a run/walk a couple of times a week, I’ve introduced more fresh vegetables and fruits into my diet, and I think I may even try some meditation. Well, I can try and see how it goes.

On my search to better my wellness, I came across Liveli. I was drawn in by their tranquil yet inspiring ads, but then I saw they sold supplements both with CBD and without it. Nope, not for me – the last full-spectrum CBD oil I tried was such a waste of money.

Out of curiosity and sheer boredom, I kept scrolling through Liveli’s website once I saw they weren’t selling CBD oil. Instead, they sell different types of CBD: capsules and powders for all different things. Usually, it’s just one CBD oil for everything, but Liveli has a ton of different products with a huge range of benefits. Some are designed to help promote balance, better sleep, and focus; plus, they also have multi-functional products that contain CBD and other key health-boosting ingredients. The CBD + Collagen Peptides contains Hydrolyzed collagen (easier for your body to digest and absorb than other collagens) and supports healthy hair, nails, skin, and joints. The CBD + Supergreens has turmeric, wheatgrass, and matcha tea and supports your overall immune system.

My friends told me the CBD I tried previously didn’t work cause it wasn’t high quality or pure enough. I never really listened and just wrote off CBD completely. I didn’t have time to look into it, but now I did, and Liveli was really catching my eye. Their goal is to connect the mind and body and nourish them, exactly what I was striving for.

I looked into the purity and potency of Liveli’s CBD. Their CBD is made from whole-plant, sustainably grown on family-owned farms in the US and tested every step of the way with their third-party tested lab results visible on their website. Liveli products include hemp extract that contains trace amounts (less than 0.3%) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

They also press the hemp plant into a nano-powder using a chemical-free process to maintain the integrity of the whole plant, so their products contain the full entourage effect of beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytonutrients. What really interested me about their products was the nano-sized industrial hemp particles which increase the bioavailability with maximum absorption.

Their team has created a set of CBD standards better than anything I’ve seen. They created a clean and sustainable process that uses the highest-quality, best CBD, and they’ve created a multi-tasking and functional range of supplements with other ingredients like Alkaline greens, collagen, and pea and hemp protein.

Looking through their products, I could see there were a few I wanted to try, but I still couldn’t help think that CBD just wasn’t going to work for me.

After a few days, I couldn’t stop thinking about Liveli. I remembered seeing a sample pack, with 2 of each of their superfood powders—CBD + Supergreens, CBD + Collagen Peptides, and CBD + Plant-Powered Protein. For only $19.95 I had nothing to lose by trying it. This way, I could find which one I liked best before deciding which full-sized product to buy.

A few days later, my Liveli package arrived at my doorstep. I opened everything up and decided to try the CBD + Plant-Powered Protein first. I gathered up all my overly ripe fruit and made a smoothie. Cautious of how it would taste, I took the tiniest sip, and to my surprise, it tasted really good. Adding in a scoop to my smoothie was so easy, and I felt great knowing I was getting some protein in so early in the day.

The next morning, I added the super greens powder to some water. It looked like a healthy green juice. The taste was good-just a hint of sweetness and a touch of mint, not earthy at.

After all six stick packs, I didn’t feel like a new person, but I did feel a little calmer, and the ritual of having it every morning put me in a healthy mindset for the day. Plus, the days I had the Supergreens powder, I felt like I had more energy. And since the super greens were helping my immune system, I decided that I didn’t want to stop my morning Liveli CBD powders.

I went back and ordered a full pack of the CBD + Supergreens along with the Focus Clearli, a super supplement packed with natural ingredients that help support everything; memory, mental clarity, mood, energy, and cognitive function. Plus, they have an awesome mini size for $19.95 that’s a great way to trial the product.

One month into taking my Liveli Focus Clearli and CBD + Supergreens powder every morning, and I have to admit I feel amazing! I feel like I am arming my body with what it needs to function at its best and stay healthy. I even feel calmer, and able to relax more. Liveli has convinced me of the true benefits of CBD, so much so I can’t wait to try another product of theirs.

Special offer for our readers: Get 20% off your first Liveli purchase today!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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