The Ultimate Battle Of The ZZZs — Sleepy Magnesi-Om vs. Natrol vs. Lemme

The Ultimate Battle Of The ZZZs — Sleepy Magnesi-Om vs. Natrol vs. Lemme

Everyone knows how critical sleep is to our overall health — your mind doesn’t function as well and lack of sleep can even increase the risk of countless illnesses. And we all know nothing can ruin your week quite like a couple of sleepless nights! With recent studies estimating that 76% of U.S. adults have a sleep issue or disorder, quality sleep is more important than ever.

Our editors have tried to find something — anything — that could help with sleepless nights. But there are so many different sleep aids on the market. Some include magnesium, while others include melatonin. Research has shown that both help with sleep, but which one should you take? Are there supplements that include both? We wanted a solution that works quickly and effectively.

Enter Moon Juice, a brand known for next-level supplements that promote overall health. Moon Juice has absolutely revolutionized the wellness industry through its wide range of adaptogenic and natural supplements.

Moon Juice recently launched Sleepy Magnesi-Om, a twist on their viral Magnesium supplement. Their new formula has the addition of plant-based Melatonin that can help you fall and stay asleep, 2 different types of Magnesium specifically for sleep and relaxation, and nearly twice the amount of L-Theanine. We didn’t just want to take their word for it, so we compared it to some other trending sleep aids on the market — Natrol and Lemme Sleep.

Need help falling asleep? Read on:

Key Similarities:

  • All 3 products can help you fall and stay asleep

Key Differences:

  • Sleepy Magnesi-Om contains plant-based Melatonin | Lemme and Natrol contain synthetic Melatonin
  • Sleepy Magnesi-Om has 0.3mg of Melatonin | Lemme has 5mg of Melatonin | Natrol has 10mg of Melatonin
  • Sleepy Magnesi-Om has 0 sugar | Lemme and Natrol have added sugars

Moon Juice Sleepy Magnesi-Om Overview:

Moon Juice is no stranger to making great supplements that can help you relax, their Magnesi-Om has gone viral for how effective it is. Their new Sleepy Magnesi-Om formula is like the extra-strength sleep version – it’s made with 0.3mg of plant-based Melatonin, 2 forms of Magnesium (Bisglycinate and Gluconate), and 200mg of L-Theanine.

There are three types of Melatonin: animal-based (from sheep and cows), synthetic (made from toxic solvents) and plant-based. Moon Juice uses plant-based Melatonin that’s sourced from organically grown Alfalfa and Chlorella. Plus, with their microdose of 0.3mg of Melatonin, it’s the right amount to help you fall asleep without flooding your system and leaving you groggy — unlike the other brands that contain much higher doses.

Their formula features three key ingredients:

  • Phytomelatonin — Bioidentical, non-animal-based Melatonin sourced from France and Australia, that helps decrease the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.
  • Magnesium Chelate Blend — Magnesium Bisglycinate supports the body’s stress response. And Magnesium Gluconate helps keep muscles relaxed.
  • L-Theanine — Arriving in its pure form — unlike other brands — this supports your sleep quality, making sure that you don’t just sleep long but also sleep well.

Sleepy Magnesi-Om features a microdose of only 0.3mg, so it won’t oversaturate your receptors — which could cause drowsiness or changes in your sleep cycle. It’s just the right dose to tell your brain that it’s time for sleep.

Moon Juice non-habit forming Sleepy Magnesi-Om should be taken situationally, it’s the perfect product to have on hand for those nights you’re having trouble falling asleep. That means during times of stress while traveling and being jet lagged, or shift work. Just mix 1 stick in 12 oz of water at night when needed.

Natrol Overview:

Natrol has a variety of sleep aids, gummies, and tablets with formulas that include ingredients like cane sugar, tapioca syrup, citric acid, coconut oil, sodium, and synthetic Melatonin. Natrol has become popular given its price point and can be ordered online or found in stores like Walmart, Walgreens, and Instacart.

Their product line is recommended for short-term use only and is not intended for individuals under the age of 18 years. Natrol utilizes a much higher dose of synthetic Melatonin — 10mgs — which can cause additional side effects or drowsiness by totally flooding your system.

Lemme Sleep Overview:

Lemme Sleep Sleep Tight gummies include synthetic Melatonin, Magnesium, L-Theanine, Chamomile Flower, and Lavender Extra. All of which have been shown to actually help sleep.

5mgs of Melatonin — much less than Natrol’s 10mgs — is still a bit much for us. Additionally, Lemme’s formula also contains 3g of added sugars, which isn’t good for you to take before falling asleep.

Lemme advises that the gummies can be taken 30 minutes before falling asleep, but they don’t specify if they can be taken daily. They have a flexible subscription model with a monthly supply costing about $30 for 60 gummies.

Final Thoughts:

Sure, all these brands may be helpful on sleepless nights. But who needs to flood their system with synthetic melatonin to fall asleep when you can have just the right amount of naturally sourced Phytomelatonin with Sleepy Magnesi-Om — our Goldilocks choice? And Sleepy Magnesi-Om is non-habit forming.

As experts with an entire line of high-quality products that build a healthier you from the inside out, Moon Juice wins hands down! It eclipses the competition. Plus, their entire line undergoes rigorous third-party testing to ensure maximum safety, potency, and effectiveness — so, you can be sure you’ll have real results!

On those nights you have trouble falling asleep and need help, go with Moon Juice’s Sleepy Magnesi-Om.

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