Cheating on Keto? Here’s How To Stop

Cheating on Keto? Here’s How To Stop

I have a confession. I cheated multiple times…on my diet. I adopted a keto diet several months ago and it has been a game changer. I have lost twelve pounds, no longer need a latte to get through the afternoon, and I don’t crave ice cream at night! But staying consistent is one thing that still challenges me. We are all human, so we all make mistakes, but obviously it’s better if you avoid taking a misstep.

That’s where Perfect Keto comes into play. I discovered the brand a while ago after I found myself falling into situations where I needed to cheat, or didn’t even know I was cheating! Their products are clean and keto-friendly, making them the key to achieving your healthiest and happiest self. Whether you slip up accidently like I’ve done many times, or just need to have that bowl of pasta at your favorite Italian restaurant, Perfect Keto’s nut butters, supplements and keto bars will save you from falling off Keto.

Here’s how Perfect Keto can become your lifesaver:

When you fell for the whole “peanut butter is healthy” trick…

Oh yes, I did this for a solid three months. I knew peanut butter was high in fat, had a decent amount of protein and low in carbs, but I didn’t realize just how much sugar was in your standard peanut butter not to mention the fact that a peanut is not a nut and can cause inflammation! So I swapped my daily snack of celery and grocery-store peanut butter for celery and Perfect Keto Nut Butter. I still get to enjoy my favorite snack daily, but now I stay in ketosis and it tastes even better! I love the cashews and macadamia nuts used in this nut butter and the real vanilla bean powder adds a sweetness that is tastier than regular old peanut butter.

When you get hangry…

Yes, the keto diet keeps my appetite at bay for the most part. But when I find myself in the office late, I do get hungry at some point! When this happens, those donuts on my colleague’s desk start looking way too good and I used to give in and have 1…or 3. After those regretful moments of weakness I reach for my Exogenous Ketone Powder which helps to avoid the dreaded keto flu by giving the body ketones while it works through the carbs and gets back to making its own.

When your smoothie throws a kink in the works…

My breakfast smoothie used to consist of low-fat, vanilla yogurt, a banana and some sort of generic protein powder. I knew I needed to switch to full-fat, plain greek yogurt and ditch the banana to get rid of sugar and increase my fat, but what about protein? I workout in the mornings, so I enjoy having some protein for breakfast after my sessions. That’s when I found Keto Whey Protein (Vanilla of course). First off it tastes great, but it is also the best way to jazz up your smoothie and get some clean, keto-friendly protein in your diet.

When there is literally nothing to eat…

I’m a busy professional, so I don’t always have time to get to the grocery store before I run out of food. Does this make me a bad person? No! Does this make it hard to stay on my diet? Yes! I used to find myself heading to my local coffee shop to get something quick when this happened, but now I just grab a Salted Caramel bar (my fav!) and it keeps me going until I get home and have dinner. I stay on track, save money, and give myself at least another couple hours to make it to the grocery store, all without getting kicked out of ketosis.

Listen, I get it – life happens. But if you have health goals that you’re trying to reach, cheating can be detrimental. These products are designed to help you stay in ketosis, or if you cave and treat yourself to some carby goodness, the BHB powder can get you back on track in record time.

UPDATE:Follow this link to get 10% off your first Perfect Keto order today! *Use Code “10off-new” at checkout*

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