Oh, Kim Kardashian. How you make it so difficult to defend you at times. Look, I even understood why you wore the iconic Marilyn dress to the Met Gala. I called you a visionary.

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Nepotism - noun - the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by gifting them jobs.

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Frontpage Popular News

She’s The Man!

GQ’s Man of the Year Isn’t Who You Think

They’d say I hustled, put in the work

They wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve

What I was wearing, if I was rude

Could all be separated from my good ideas and power moves

Taylor Swift, “The Man”

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Culture Feature

I Animated Memes, Muppets, and Statues with "Deep Nostalgia"

MyHeritage's new software makes it a breeze to turn creepy artwork into horrifying animation...

In recent years machine learning programs have revolutionized the field of video editing.

So called "deepfakes," which require minimal training, access to a lot of footage, and no special equipment have made it possible for ordinary hobbyists to seemlessy and effortlessly superimpose one person's face onto another person's body.

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Culture Feature

7 Disgusting Moments That Should Have Ended Howard Stern's Career

Whether or not you find Howard Stern entertaining, some of these moments would probably be unforgivable...assuming he ever apologized.

Howard Stern vs Gabourey Sidibe Comments in Context Part 1

Howard Stern is an assh**e.

He has attempted to clean up his act over the year and has made claims of serious personal growth. And he may have had some success in rebranding as a major critic of former-president Donald Trump.

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Film Features

Anne Hathaway's "Witches" Apology, and the Problem with Body Horror

Is it even possible to separate what is frightening and disturbing from what is harmful and offensive?

The Witches - Official Trailer

On Thursday Anne Hathaway took to Instagram to apologize for her role in the HBO Max original movieThe Witches and its depiction of the titular villains as having so-called "limb differences."

The movie is based on Roald Dahl's 1983 novel—which was previously adapted into the classic 1990 version of The Witches. It tells the story of a young boy who stumbles upon a convention of horrifying witches with the power to turn children into mice. Hathaway portrays their leader, the Grand High Witch—a role previously played by Anjelica Houston with sinister glee.
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