Film Features

Before Its Time: Rodgers and Hammerstein's 1997 "Cinderella"

Fans are calling for Cinderella to be added to the massive selection of nostalgic '90s movies on Disney+.

Brandy Norwood at the Rolling Stone Awards

By s_bukley (Shutterstock)

Update Feb 4:

It's happening! Millennials everywhere rejoice as Brandy Norwood as Cinderella will join Disney+ on February 12.

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Film Lists

5 Important Black Characters in Horror Movies

It's time for black characters in horror movies to shine.

Rachel True - Rochelle in THE CRAFT

Photo by Eugene Powers (Shutterstock)

It's unfortunate, but horror movies are still predominantly white.

From the main cast to the extras, practically every character in your average horror movie is white. Even when a horror movie is progressive in terms of plot or dialogue, the lack of racial diversity is impossible to ignore—especially if you're a person of color.

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