claire rosinkranz

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

When I was younger, I knew of two ways to get music: the legal way, paying $0.99 (and then $1.25) for songs on iTunes, and the illegal way, paying $0 to download the pirated versions on Limewire…Don’t lie, you had your ways, too. Maybe I’m aging myself by saying social media wasn’t as prevalent as […]

Claire Rosinkranz On Her Dynamic Debut Album, Just Because

Claire Rosinkranz is no stranger to making music, it’s something she’s been doing since she was 8 years old. From a young age she was conjuring up ideas for her father, who wrote for TV shows and commercials at the time…it felt like she was just born for this. And so it began. For the […]

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To This Friday

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To This Friday

We are officially approaching the middle of August already. How is the summer flying by that fast that it feels like every week I’m discussing a new season approaching? Taylor Swift was right, August does really slip away like a bottle of wine. But that’s not stopping me from coming up with a fresh batch […]