Why Matthew Gray Gubler Lives in a "Haunted Tree House"

Matthew Gray Gubler might love Halloween and live in a haunted treehouse, but the best gift that he's probably ever given the Internet was the following series of iconic photos.

Red-sweater Gubler clearly knows all the secrets of the universe, and he knows exactly which card you picked.

He is truly powerful in these photos, possessing a kind of queer, magical internal life force that burns through the screen and creates an intoxicating sense of calm. With a Criminal Minds revival on the horizonrevival on the horizon, there's no better time than now to revisit Gubler's most photogenic moments to date.

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CRIMINAL MINDS - Official Trailer

Have you ever been reading up about a true crime case, only to discover that something about it seems familiar—and then suddenly you realize that it's because you watched a variant of the case on Criminal Minds?

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Nadia Lanfranconi Talks About Her 'Italian Country Song'

Italy's actress/country-singer talks about her muse.

Photo Courtesy Nadia Lanfranconi

If you think you recognize her, you probably do. Her name is Nadia Lanfranconi.

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