Culture Feature

​The US Is Fighting a Disinformation War — and Losing

A report declassified by the National Intelligence Council last month explains exactly how foreign powers tried to influence Americans during the 2020 election. Spoiler alert: Things don't look good.

Russian Hacker

Dmitry Nogaev | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The report, titled Foreign Threats to the US 2020 Federal Election, was compiled with help from every corner of the intelligence community.

The CIA, FBI, INR, NSA, DHS, NIC, and the Treasury Department were all involved in its preparation. The bombshell report has the weight of the entirety of US intelligence behind it – and it reveals a lot.

WYFFThe National Intelligence Council AssessmentWYFF NBC 4


First, the good news: They found no evidence that any foreign power directly interfered in our election infrastructure. That means they believe that there were no successful cyber attacks on the technical aspects of the election, including voter registration, casting and counting ballots, or reporting results. The results of the election are completely secure.

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Culture News

We Can't Have Joe Biden's "Unity" Without Accountability

Biden, Obama, Bush, and Clinton were the four horsemen of the 2021 Inauguration.

Three of the four horsemen

via CNBC

Well, Trump is out.

Joe Biden's Inauguration into Presidential office unfolded in a spectacle of patriotism with a slight undercurrent of fear following the white supremacist insurrection at the Capitol in early January.

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Culture Feature

Black Voters Won Georgia. Now It’s Time for Democrats to Listen

For too long we've been told that "Black" politics would scare away moderates

Stacey Abrams

By Larry Cooper // Shuttertsock

First things first: I need white people to stop treating Stacey Abrams like their savior.

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Fox News Host: Whoopi Goldberg Is Just as Bad as the Trump Administration

Howard Kurtz is equally tired of Republicans trying to stage a coup and of Democrats getting mad about it.

Sec. of State Mike Pompeo: 'There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration'

On Wednesday morning, Fox News host Howard Kurtz took to Twitter to let the world know that both sides are bad in the most hilarious attempt at false equivalency in modern memory.

Host of the Fox News show Media Buzz, Kurtz recognizes the dangerous game the Trump administration is playing. By blocking President-Elect Joe Biden and his team from transitional access to the workings of the federal government, they are threatening the stability of America's institutions.

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Build Back Better

Photo by SHAWN THEW/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

It's been said many times: Leaving Trump behind feels like emerging from an abusive relationship, or perhaps renewing one's relationship with a former BFF (America) after she leaves her sh*tty man.

After all, Trump is a classic abuser. He gaslights, he lies, he cheats, and he is leaving behind an America with 200,000 people dead and more dying every day. He never admits his mistakes, creating a vicious cycle wherein he does something atrocious, gets a tan, and then shows up smiling with flowers (or in his case, a last-minute attempt to curry favor with the Black community by befriending several aging rappers).

Many Americans are still under his spell, and there's not much a lot of us can do about it. People in abusive relationships are often in denial about what's happening to them, and they often won't leave until they decide to. Shaming someone in an abusive relationship is rarely an effective way to get them out of it, as they've likely already been shamed many times.

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U.S. President Joe Biden

Photo by SHAWN THEW - EPA-EFE - Shutterstock

The 2020 presidential election has just been called for Joe Biden.

While different news outlets make these calls according to different metrics, CNN has now declared victory for the Democratic challenger in enough states to send him over the 270 electoral vote finish line, and it seems certain that the AP will follow shortly. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's team is preparing to make a victory announcement and preparing for a long road ahead.

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