Culture Feature

12 of the Craziest Celebrity Homes of All Time

Because celebrities are not "just like us."

If there's one thing that celebrity magazines have taught us, it's that "celebrities are just like us."

They use their mouths to eat food, and they occasionally use their legs to walk outdoors. Sometimes they don't even look like a team of makeup artists and fashion designers have sculpted every facet of their look! So normal.

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What the **** Does Nicolas Cage Know About Swear Words?

Nicolas Cage is set to host a new Netflix series called "The History of Swear Words" for some ****ing reason.

History of Swear Words | Official Trailer | Netflix

Update 12/23/2020: Netflix has now released a full trailer for The History of Swear Words that features a lot more cursing — including some emphatic F-bombs from the man himself. It may now be too late to save our precious Nicolas from this show's sullying effect...

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