Music Lists

The Best Folk Albums to Help You Wallow in Sadness

Sometimes you just gotta spend the day deep in your feelings

Ethan Gruska "Enough For Now (feat. Phoebe Bridgers) " [Official Music Video]

The cycle of bad news remains endless, and the world feels relentlessly in free fall.

Dread and anxiety remain our closest acquaintances, and I can't remember the last time I drank for any reason other than "It's Tuesday." Lethargic, isolated, and unable to turn on our AC units without a minor surge of panic, it remains impossible not to wallow in what has become our fraught existence.

"I thought about my life and all its empty meaning," Nadia Reid softly sings over the strum of an electric guitar as her band swells up behind her. "There ain't nothing I can change about me now," Leif Vollebekk morbidly croons on "Apalachee Plain." "No, there ain't nothing I can change about me now."

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