Olive Louise

Photo: Olivia Handler

New York singer-songwriter Olive Louise introduces "Fool," a song about not feeling guilty about finally feeling happiness.

"Fool" narrates Louise's journey from anxiety and fear of judgment to freeing herself from negativity, discovering self-love and an IDGAF confidence. She says, "I'm confident in my skin, I'm confident in myself and I trust that I'll always find my way."


Opening with Louise's lustrous voice, "Fool" rides pulsing pop textures and a simple, beautiful piano, along with layers of crystalline harmonies. "Break it down like a sculpture / So cool in your hands / Say that you understand, they don't understand / So come melt into me, let's make some art they can't have."

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By Everett Collection / Shutterstock

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BILL COSBY INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 9, 20

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