Neil Young, formerly part of iconic folk rock supergroup Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young, is hailed as one of music's greatest. He's blended folk rock with country in innovative ways for decades, his music the blueprint of budding artists today. Loved by millions, Neil Young's music could be found on streaming platforms the world over...until 2022.

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Culture Feature

Joe Rogan Is Right — Straight White Men Are Being Silenced!

Won't anyone please consider the plight of the straight white man?

Joe Rogan interviews Valentina Shevhcenko

By Dawid S Swierczek (Shutterstock)

I'm not supposed to be saying this.

I'm not really sure I'm supposed to be saying anything at all. Because the truth is... I'm a straight white man.

I know it's shocking. I'll probably be fired before I can finish typing this sentence. A straight white male being paid to voice his opinions in the year of our lord 2021 — and saying shit like "year of our lord" as if it weren't bad enough already.

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Culture Feature

Jordan Peterson (Still) Wants to Tell You How to Live Your Life

Will his new book demonstrate growth or humility in light of recent life events?

Jordan Peterson: “There was plenty of motivation to take me out. It just didn't work" | British GQ

Have you been feeling rudderless lately? Struggling to find direction?

Well all who wander may now rejoice, for the savior has returned. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is back to direct your life and make publishing employees cry.

He has made a career for himself as a passionate advocate for personal responsibility. Well, it's either his personal responsibility shtick or his hysterical concern for the future of free speech — with particular emphasis on his refusal to be "forced" into using people's preferred pronouns.

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