With the holiday season in full fa-la-la-la-flow, it’s time to reflect. When the year winds down, we feel a bit of burn out — you stare blankly at screens without motivation, you don’t want to work, and you’ve just spent all your money on gift giving.

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Music Features

So, You Want to Get into Radiohead?

The alt-rock legends' fifth album Amnesiac turns 20 years old today.

By: Chris Lever/Shutterstock

When it comes to a band as versed as Radiohead — whose fifth album Amnesiac turns 20 years old today — it's nearly impossible to imagine the sheer quantity of all their recorded material.

Much to the appeal of diehards, the British alt-rock legends have made their intimidatingly expansive history a little easier to parse. In January 2020, they launched the Radiohead Public Library, an infinite-scroll database filled with virtually every TV performance, newly-reissued merchandise, iconic live shows, B-sides, music videos, and plenty more. It's all neatly sorted by studio album, making it easy for fans to fully dive into their favorite era. But, for those not in the loop, the Radiohead Public Library might make getting into the band even more daunting.

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Michelle Branch, "Everywhere"

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug, especially once the stuff you liked as a kid gets unironically popular again.

If you're a '90s kid in the United States, you likely have vivid memories of Radio Disney. For over two decades, the radio station curated a constant array of family-friendly pop hits by teen idols and budding stars alike.

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7 Black Alternative Bands to Listen to After Willow Smith’s “Transparent Soul”

"Transparent Soul" is a full teen-angst banger, the stuff of our adolescent dreams. With the new single, Willow Smith joins the ranks of Black pop punk/alternative artists changing the genre for the better.

Willow in Transparent Soul

via WillowSmithVEVO

Willow Smith just released her new single, "Transparent Soul," and it's an alt-rock, pop-punk influenced banger.

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Music Lists

An Introduction to Twee Pop in 8 Essential Albums

From Beat Happening to Belle & Sebastian, we look at eight albums that came to define an underground subgenre.

courtesy of the artist

There's indie music. There's pop music. And then, there's indie pop.

Before indie pop was used as a descriptor for left-leaning pop acts like HAIM, Gus Dapperton, and King Princess, the subgenre embodied a very different ethos. Originally stemming from the British post-punk movement of the 1970s, the indie pop scene that followed appealed to young music geeks who appreciated DIY methods, a playful attitude, and good, old-fashioned songs about crushes.

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Music Lists

8 Rap Songs that Sample Indie Music

These unexpected crossovers live in our head rent-free.

Dorel Gnatiuc (Unsplash)

Beautiful things can happen when Hip-Hop comes together with other genres.

Be it the jazz fusion that came about with old-school Hip-Hop or the rap-rock crossovers that took over the 2000s, it's nothing new for rappers to borrow elements from artists outside their primary genre. Surprising samples can be found in Hip-Hop since the genre's inception in the '70s and '80s.

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