The dreaded allergy season is fast approaching and with it comes itchy eyes, a nose so stuffy you can't breathe, and non-stop sneezing. Sound familiar? Then keep reading…

If your symptoms are seasonal, then you're most likely allergic to airborne tree and/or grass pollen. But no matter what you're allergic to, Picnic has a treatment for you.

Picnic is a service that understands that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work for everyone. So their allergy experts will help tailor individualized treatment packs for your particular allergy symptoms and connect you to doctors online. Picnic's now offering 50% off to our readers, so keep reading to find out how to take them up on their offer.

To start off, simply take Picnic's quick quiz to get an overview of your symptoms, the severity of each, as well as how effective any medications you've tried before have been. Everyone experiences allergies differently so Picnic aims to identify the allergens you're exposed to and when your allergies will peak.

Personalized Treatment Packs
Get 50% off your first order

They offer treatments for many symptoms: Runny Nose, Sneezing, Nasal Dryness, Itchy/Watery Eyes, Post Nasal Drip, Headache, or Coughing.

Some of the products they offer are oral antihistamines, intra-nasal sprays, eye drops, even natural remedies and provide detailed information and advice for each. Any prescriptions require a virtual doctor consultation, and then your treatment will be delivered to your doorstep.

Once you have your treatment plan in hand, you can subscribe to receive either a 30-day or 90-day supply. Your subscription ensures that you'll never have to worry about flare-ups again, or running out!

Ranging from $5 to $58, Picnic products feature generic versions of many allergy medications you may have already tried including Clarinex®, Claritin®, Zyrtec®, Nasonex®, and more.

The good news is that Picnic is offering 50% off your first order! With Picnic, you don't just pay for a treatment plan with products, you are also getting ongoing doctor access and tips on how to tackle your allergies during peak season.

So what are you waiting for? Now's your chance to save 50% on your first Picnic order and survive allergy season, symptom-free, without having to lift a finger!

Try Picnic Today & Save 50%