Support the Post Office: 11 of the USPS's Best Gifts

Support the United States Post Office and grab some amazing gifts. It's a win-win.

United States Post Office Dog Merch

The United States Post Office has been struggling lately, due to economic cuts, COVID-19, and attacks from the new Postmaster General and Donald Trump himself.

But as it turns out, the Post Office has a gift shop—which is full of a surprisingly huge variety of charming items!

Here are 10 of the postal service's most adorable gift options, so you can support democracy and make your friends and family happy with some truly wonderful gifts.

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Culture News

What's Going On with the USPS?

#SaveTheUSPS? Budget cuts and reforms have made it difficult for the Post Office, a beloved American institution to do its job.

Photo by Anna Land on Unsplash

The United States Post Office is under attack.

Direct attacks from the president, COVID-19, government failure to provide aid, and a radical new postmaster general have all contributed to what's shaping up to be a veritable disaster for American mail—one that might have consequences for the upcoming November election.

The Postal Service's Opponents: COVID-19, Trump, DeJoy, and Money

2020 has been extremely difficult for most people and businesses, and the USPS, which reported a $3 billion loss in the last three months, is no difference. Democrats proposed giving the postal service $25 billion in aid as part of their latest coronavirus stimulus package, which stalled to a standstill in Congress due to partisan divides. Without significant aid, the USPS has suffered intensely during the COVID-19 pandemic—and so have its customers.

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