Culture Feature

This Haunts Me: Did Scientists at CERN End the World in 2012?

Can the strangeness of recent history be blamed on scientists meddling with forces beyond their comprehension?

Do you remember 2012?

People were convinced that the world was going to end — that the Mayan calendar had predicted it more than 2,000 years earlier. Protesters and time-travelers continued to decry the cataclysmic dangers of CERN's Large Hadron Collider, where scientists were taking apart the building blocks of the universe to understand how they worked...

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Politics Features

Were Congressional Insiders Helping the Capitol Hill Attack?

AOC and others have shared frightening first-hand details from the attempted coup on January 6th, 2021.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, left, the winner of New York's Democratic Congressional primary, greets supporters following her victory, along with Saikat Chakrabarti, founder of Justice Democrats and senior adviser for her campaign.

Mark Lennihan/AP/Shutterstock

Update 2/2/2021:On Monday night, Representative Ocasio-Cortez once again took to Instagram Live to share her experience of the attack on the Capitol building in more detail.

She talked about the terrifying moment when an unknown man made his way into her office shouting, "Where is she?" as she hid behind a bathroom door believing that he was likely there to kill her — "this was the moment where I thought everything was over,"

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Culture Feature

12 of the Best Self-Owns of All Time

Behold these masters in the craft of publicly humiliation.

Photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash

When my editor asked me to compile a list of "the best self-owns in history," I immediately got to work researching the Blackberry Storm, the Motorola Rokr, the Nokia N-Gage.

I was excited to show her all the info I had found on these classic cell phones, but she wasn't pleased. "Not cell phones, you moron, you worthless cretin, 'self-owns,'" Do you need me to spell that out for you, or would you like to demonstrate a basic level of competency?"

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Culture Feature

Laughing Through the End Times: 6 Absurd Responses to the Collapse of American Democracy

The attempted coup that took place at the Capitol building on Wednesday was equal parts terrifying and hilarious.

In times of crisis and chaos, it's important to keep a clear head and stay on top of the facts.

It's important to acknowledge that this was an unprecedented breach of security that could easily have been avoided and that it resulted in the deaths of at least four people.

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Culture Feature

Happy Festivus: An Airing of Grievances Against 2020

We got a lot of problems with this year, and now you're gonna hear about it!

The Story of Festivus

It's December 23rd again, which means that once again it's time to ditch the distracting tinsel, reject the commercialism of Christmas — the hordes worshipping at the alter of consumer capitalism — and celebrate the only holiday for the rest of us: Festivus!

There are many ways to celebrate this venerable holiday: You can erect a traditional Festivus Pole — we recommend aluminum for its very high strength-to-weight ratio or you could make a generous donation to The Human Fund. And of course Festivus isn't over until the Feats of Strength are completed.

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Culture Feature

Is Donald Trump Actually "Stanky"?

The hashtag #StankyTrump was trending on Twitter on Thursday, but do we have evidence of the president's stank?

Donald Trump

Photo by Annie Spratt (Unsplash)
We should all know by now that soon-to-be-former-president Donald Trump is awful.
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