
Last week we covered The Mandalorian season premiere (read the full review), where I was upfront about my disappointments:

  • Too much nostalgia baiting, not enough new world-building
  • Not nearly enough Baby Yoda moments
  • Lackluster set design and visuals (with a HUGE exception for the krayt dragon)
  • Underwhelming/predictable Boba Fett reveal at tail end of an otherwise inconsequential episode

To be fair, the show's serial adventure, monster-of-the-week style means most episodes are seemingly inconsequential by design. If Season 1 was a sign of things to come, then Season 2 will find our hero encountering and ditching new characters each week until it all culminates in the finale.

For many fans, this is actually a major highlight of The Mandalorian. Unlike recent films in the franchise, where the fate of the galaxy is constantly at stake, Mando lets us chill out and enjoy the detailed and lived-in world of Star Wars. "Chapter 10" (S2:E2) gives us exactly that: a lovely side quest.

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The Mandalorian | Season 2 Official Trailer | Disney+

The Mandalorian first premiered on Disney+ nearly one year ago to audience and critical acclaim.

Star Wars fans were ecstatic about the show's potential. The series promised a welcomed break from the overstuffed and increasingly disappointing theatrical releases set in the Star Wars universe.

Showrunners Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni introduced a new protagonist completely separated from those of the "Skywalker Saga." Each episode had refreshingly low stakes.

Where the Star Wars films felt they needed to keep compounding in scale and space wizardry, The Mandalorian kept things approachable. The future of the galaxy was never in jeopardy. The fall of the empire is the backdrop, not the focus.

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