TV News

Who Is Awful Enough to Replace Meghan McCain on "The View"?

With the most irritating co-host on her way out, The View needs to find a new most-irritating co-host.

Meghan McCain at the GLAAD Media Awards

By Kathy Hutchins (Shutterstock)

Since 1997 The View has offered diverse perspectives on current events and political issues from a panel of accomplished women with backgrounds in journalism and the entertainment industry.

And since 2017, the show has also featured Meghan McCain. But as she announced on Thurdsay, July 1, 2021, that the current season will be her last.

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Elon Musk Photo illustration

by Jonathan Raa_NurPhoto (Shutterstock)

Each week one of Popdust's disposable clones — grown in a vault deep beneath the Mojave desert — is exposed to the outside world through a relentless feed of news, pop culture, and social media.

The arduous process accelerates their dissolution back into an amorphous clone slurry. But before they go, they leave behind a document of what they've absorbed and what they've learned — a time capsule preserving a single moment in the slow-motion collapse of civilization. An End Times Update...

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Film News

Does Anyone Want "A Quiet Place 2" in the Middle of the Pandemic?

Post-apocalyptic movies should wait until we get through this actual apocalypse.

A Quiet Place 2


Can you imagine a world in which normal human activity has halted?

Stores stand empty and abandoned. If you have to go outside for a supply run, you do so with caution and preparation, ever aware that one false move could expose you to the deadly, mysterious entity that is constantly stalking humanity?

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Culture Feature

Kennedy Conspiracies: RFK Jr. Banned From Instagram

Conspiracies and misinformation have played a central role in much of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s life.

Robert Kennedy Jr's speech on Trump's decision to exit Paris climate agreement, Granada, Spain - 08 Nov 2019

Miguel Angel Molina/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

On Thursday environmental activist, lawyer, and vaccine "skeptic" Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was banned from Instagram as part of parent-company Facebook's ongoing fight against misinformation on their platforms.

A spokesperson for Facebook reported that they had cut off his account for "repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines." This comes just a few months after Kennedy's group, Children's Health Defesne, filed suit against Facebook for rejecting their ads and fact-checking posts about vaccines and 5G. But to truly understand how we got to this point, it's worth taking a look back at the history of misinformation that has swirled around Kennedy's family.

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Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe?

This is an extraordinary scientific achievement, but is it safe?

COVID-19 Vaccine Safety

The average vaccine takes approximately 10 years to develop. There are currently two COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna) that will likely be authorized and released to the public within a year of the discovery of the virus. How can a safe vaccine possibly be developed so fast?

These will be the fastest vaccines ever developed, by a margin of years. The next fastest vaccine ever approved for public use was the mumps vaccine, and that took 4 years.

Unfortunately, that speed has made a lot of people nervous. Will the vaccine be safe? Are they skipping steps? How is this process moving so fast?

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Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe?

This is an extraordinary scientific achievement, but is it safe?

COVID-19 Vaccine

Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash
The average vaccine takes approximately 10 years to develop. There are currently two COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna) that will likely be authorized and released to the public within a year of the discovery of the virus. How can a safe vaccine possibly be developed so fast?
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