Photo by JUSTIN LANE/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Can you distinguish the truth from the lies? No Googling!

1. Woody Harrelson's dad was a contract killer.

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Miley Cyrus

Photo by Kobby Dagan (Shutterstock)

It's time to re-evaluate the age-old questions that have plagued society for time immemorial: How are celebrities so hot? How do they stay hot? Is it their wealth—if you sleep on a bed of money, do you never age?

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When Pete Davidson avoids wearing stage makeup on Saturday Night Live, it's a decision that I respect, but it concerns me.

Davidson has always rocked a sultry, exhausted, baggy-eyed look, but lately things seem to have spiraled out of control.

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Andrew Yang's Tweets to Shane Gillis and Bowen Yang Is the Best "SNL" Skit in Years

New "SNL" cast member Shane Gillis has a history of making racist, misogynistic, and bigoted commentary as part of his "comedy." Andrew Yang gave a thoughtful reason why we should forgive him.

Andrew Yang Supporters - San Diego, CA

Photo by Janson George

Update: SNL recently announced that Shane Gillis has been fired a mere four days after being hired.

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