Why Le Tote Was The Best Gift I Ever Got My Girlfriend

Why Le Tote Was The Best Gift I Ever Got My Girlfriend

I always have trouble finding the perfect gift for my girlfriend. I wanted to get Rachel something special that I knew she’d like, but I also wanted to make sure it was something practical. She loves to shop for new clothes, so I wanted to get her something nice, but I didn’t want to risk guessing the wrong size or wrong style when picking something out for her myself. I once made the mistake of assuming that a S or XS was pretty much the same across most brands (spoiler alert: they are most certainly not). Rachel has a distinct style and I didn’t want to fill up her closet with stuff she wouldn’t wear again. I was brainstorming with my sister, and she told me that she’d just signed up for Le Tote, a fashion subscription service, and said it would be the perfect gift for Rachel.

Le Tote is an online fashion rental service that delivers a curated box of clothes to her door each month. Before the tote is sent out she has the option to preview the suggested items and swap out anything she may not like for something she does want. She can wear the items for as long as she likes and return them when she’s ready for a new tote. Le Tote will send you a new box based on how you rated each item in your last one. She doesn’t even have to worry about washing items before returning – she can just stick them in the prepaid return envelope and she’s all set. There’s also the option for her to keep the items she loves at a discounted price by just simply holding onto them. My sister explained how the clothes she’d receive in each new tote improve over time because Le Tote gets better at knowing her style and fit based on how she rates each item.

I did some more research, and there were so many brands Le Tote has that Rachel wears like Vince Camuto, Rebecca Minkoff, French Connection. I found out that I could get her a gift card that would cover the cost of the subscription for a few months. That way, she could try out Le Tote and pick her own plan to see if she liked it. Instead of getting her an expensive sweater or cardigan she might not wear again, she could try on a bunch of different clothes from brands she loved. I felt like I had found a gift that my girlfriend would love, and I was excited to give it to her and see what she thought about it.

When it came time to give her the gift, Rachel was blown away. She was impressed that I got her something that was not only thoughtful, but also practical. (I told her I might have had help coming up with the idea!) She signed up right away and had so much fun filling out the initial style quiz, and got her first tote within a few days. She was surprised how well everything fit and the clothes they sent over – the Octavia Striped Shawl she got was perfect for when it got too cold in her office. With each new Tote, she said it felt like she was getting a new gift from me every time.

If you’re looking for the right gift to give to the woman in your life this holiday season, Le Tote is the way to go. Don’t worry about getting her something you aren’t sure she’ll like – it’s the perfect gift catered to her preferences and her style. Rather than giving her something boring she’ll forget about or a sweater that isn’t her style, I was able to get my girlfriend a gift she loves with Le Tote. The only problem I have now is topping that gift this holiday season!

UPDATE 12/1/2017: Follow this link to get her the first month of Le Tote for $59!

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