If You’ve Ever Slept With Your Contacts In – Read This

If You’ve Ever Slept With Your Contacts In – Read This

So many women are told never go to bed with makeup on, no matter how tired you are. Your face will breakout, the wrinkles will come faster and you’ll be puffy for days. It’s not just makeup we need to worry about, sleeping in contact lenses has consequences too. Time and time again, whether I’m tired or simply had too many glasses of wine, I fall asleep with my contacts in and wake up to sheer burning in my eyes. Sure, it’s nothing a few drops can’t fix, but the other issue is that I wear bi-weeklies. It’s easy to overuse them, and I would quite frankly rather suffer through a bit of discomfort than spend a day squinting at screens and being unable to drive. My inability to refill my contact prescription had become a common theme in my life. I’d even ordered a yearly supply that cost a ridiculous amount of money. That was literally my life until a friend told me about Hubble.

Hubble is a subscription service for daily contacts that are delivered to your door every month. With my busy work schedule and buzzing social life, I love that I wouldn’t have to worry about running out to grab contacts. We have everything else delivered these days, why not contacts? Sign me up! The process is really simple; all you basically need to do is take a 30 second quiz, and you get 15 pairs of contacts for free!

They arrived about a week later packaged and came in blister packs of solution. The first thing I noticed was how comfortable they were, and not just bearable, but like, forgot I was wearing them comfortable. My eyes didn’t even feel dry after staring at my computer screen all day. What was even better was that at the end of the day, I could just toss them in the trash and my next set would be ready the following morning (no sleeping in them for me).

After a month, I was obsessed. They even send you a few spare pairs in case you need them. Having my next set arrive thirty days later felt like I was a real adult doing something as crazy as remembering to refill my prescription. But I didn’t – I just subscribed and Hubble did the rest. What’s better is Hubble is super affordable. It’s just $36 a month, which is barely over a dollar a day. I am beyond happy that I don’t have to worry about ordering contacts to ensure I can actually do my basic daily tasks like drive a car or read my texts. Get Hubble – seriously!

Get Your Contacts: Take this quiz to earn your first two weeks FREE! (just $1 S+H)

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