TV News

Michael Che Responds to Backlash Regarding AAVE in "SNL" Sketch

"Look, the sketch bombed. I'm used to that. I meant no offense to the 'aave' community."

Michael Che

By Evan Agostini_Invision_AP_Shutterstock

Weekend Update co-host Michael Che has evidently just now learned what AAVE (African-American Vernacular English) is.

"AAVE" was a trending topic on Twitter the other day thanks to last weekend's Saturday Night Live episode, which was pretty bad. Tensions were high even before the episode aired, as cast members spoke out against the choice to invite Elon Musk to host. The Tesla CEO, in addition to hoarding his billions and billions of dollars, has come under fire for spreading false information about the pandemic on numerous occasions.

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Culture Feature

Dear White People: AAVE Is an Actual Dialect, Not Your "Stan Culture"

Using a Black dialect isn't a meme—it's cultural appropriation.


As Black Lives Matter protests have rightfully taken the world by storm over the past couple of months, we're long overdue for thorough evaluations of just how often aspects of Black heritage have been co-opted by white audiences.

It should be obvious that much of fashion and music as we know it today was invented by Black people. We (hopefully) all know by now that we can no longer accept Blackface and use of the n-word by non-Black people as the norm—and Internet users have tried "canceling" offenders in the public eye, with varying degrees of success.

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