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What’s in the July Allure Beauty Box?

How to be adventurous without going broke with the Allure Beauty Box

via Allure Beauty

Summer’s in full swing! From Pride parades to picnics and poolside convos, I’m already enjoying all that the summer has to offer. The next few months pose more of the same. But when I need fresh summertime excitement, I turn to — you guessed it — the Allure Beauty Box.

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The June Allure Beauty Box is the Key to Glowy Summer Skin

What's In the June Allure Beauty Box?

What's in the box?

Summer is officially here and summer beauty is my favorite. Well, aspirationally. Give me glowy skin and Blue Crush-esque beach waves, give me effortless makeup, and a perpetual flush. In reality, I end up more greasy than glowy, and turns out “effortless” makeup takes oodles of effort. We can’t all have a Zoe Kravitz-like, cool-girl, minimal routine. But if I can say one thing about me is I’m a tryer! What I lack, I make up for with the Allure Beauty Box.

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What's In the May 2022 Allure Beauty Box?

New Season, New Beauty Faves

May is the harbinger of sunny summer days to come. While May's not the cruelest month by any means, it’s easy to feel stuck in a rut.

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Missed the 2022 Sephora Sale? Save on Spring Beauty with the Allure April Beauty Box

For only $23, you’ll get $395 worth of products ... sounds like a better deal than the Sephora Sale to me

Spring cleaning season is here and it’s time to tackle the most lawless area in my entire home: my vanity.

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Is the Allure Beauty Box Worth It? See What’s In The March Allure Beauty Box

Can’t believe it’s March already … but the silver lining is a new Allure Beauty Box

It’s March and Spring is just around the corner.

2022 is flying by already. Feels like just yesterday, it was March 2020. And, oh, how the world has changed. Looking back at who I was 2 years ago, I can’t help but cringe. Sure, I’m world-worn and languishing — who isn’t? But I consider my new self more thoughtful, more intentional, and more financially savvy.

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Is the Allure Beauty Box Worth It? See What’s In The February Allure Beauty Box.

Need a last-minute Valentine’s Gift? The Allure Beauty Box is the perfect gift for a loved one — including yourself!

It’s February and everyone is talking about love.

Move over President’s Day, Valentine’s Day is THE holiday of the season. Alongside all the romance, spectacle, and fanfare, the day can rack up a cost. With people pressured to overly demonstrate their affection, credit card spending sprees are likely to rear their ugly heads.

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