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She’s The Man!

GQ’s Man of the Year Isn’t Who You Think

They’d say I hustled, put in the work

They wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve

What I was wearing, if I was rude

Could all be separated from my good ideas and power moves

Taylor Swift, “The Man”

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Whenever I watch an awards ceremony for the “biggest names in Hollywood,” I regret tuning in about 30 minutes in. It sounds like a great idea to watch The Oscars in theory, but in practice, it’s more agonizing than a low-scoring football game. Last night’s 95th Annual Academy Awards hosted by Jimmy Kimmel held us hostage and threatened to go on for almost four hours.

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I’m at that point in life where I’m re-watching my favorite comfort shows for the zillionth time because nothing else is on. Most of the shows I'm obsessed with aren’t currently airing. And quite frankly, I’m bored. I can essentially quote New Girl word-for-word now due to this agonizing lull.

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In case you missed it, the less important version of the Oscars was last night! The Golden Globes were three and a half arduous hours of acceptance speeches and praise for what felt like the same three movies and shows. If you didn’t get to see the entire awards ceremony, don’t worry. I sure did. Let me catch you up.

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Culture Feature

TikTok Challenge Leads to Massive Spike in DogeCoin Value (an Event Designed to Melt Boomers' Brains)

The spyware social media platform has boosted the Internet joke-money to double its value in a matter of days.

Update 1/28/2021: DogeCoin is once again surging on the back of the WallStreetBets GameStop insanity. As a result, the price has more than doubled in the last 24 hours, and is currently valued around $0.02 per Doge — around four times the price it reached at the peak of the TikTok challenge in July of 2020.

If there's one thing people over the age of 60 hate more than everything they don't understand, it's when one of those things starts making other people money.

Which is why the latest financial news is perfectly designed to make Baby Boomers' grey matter turn to jelly and slide gently out their noses: A trending TikTok challenge has led to a massive spike in the sale of satirical cryptocurrency Dogecoin.

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