CULTURE Jillian Michaels Didn't Fat Shame Lizzo–But She Is a Hypocrite Meg Hanson 09 Jan, 20 “Why does it matter?” she said, before showing how much it clearly matters to her.
CULTURE Adele's Return to Instagram and the Dangers of Praising Weight Loss Abby Jones 26 Dec, 19 Weight fluctuates, and Adele is gorgeous regardless of her size.
CULTURE Why Is Lizzo in a Thong More Outrageous Than These Outfits? Meg Hanson 09 Dec, 19 It’s just a thong.
Tv Fat-Shaming Is An Excuse for Classism: Why James Corden Was Right and Bill Maher Was Wrong Dan K 16 Sep, 19 As James Corden put it, fat-shaming is just “bullying.”
CULTURE Nike's Plus-Size Mannequin Shows What's Wrong with Body Positivity Meg Hanson 11 Jun, 19 Both fat-shaming internet trolls and those who shame them for their intolerance are falling for the same unhealthy message that body types are objects to be evaluated. If our culture embraced body neutrality, both behaviors would become irrelevant.
CULTURE The Sweatshirt at the Center of Controversy Melissa Kay 13 Sep, 18 “Fat Shaming” on Display is a Fashion Faux Pas