
Make Greta Thunberg Proud: 8 Amazing Digital Earth Day Celebrations

Take action with these online Earth Day events.


Photo by Fateme Alaie on Unsplash

It's the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.

Before COVID-19 hit, it was supposed to be a day of massive collective in-person action in the fashion of the first Earth Day, which brought 20 million people to the streets and sparked the environmental movement.

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Steven Mnuchin Can Give Greta Thunberg Life Advice After He Becomes Human

He's in Davos this week, deflecting questions and smelling with his tongue.

Photo by Markus Spiske (Unsplash)

United States Treasury Secretary and noted lizard-person Steven Mnuchin was confronted about Greta Thunberg's policy proposals at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.

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