Every few weeks, I get the same text from one of my friends: "Jai, I need new music. I'm tired of my rotation of usual playlists." And to be honest, a little sigh emits from my mouth every time...why? Because I have a Weekend Playlist article every. Single. Week.

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Your Weekend Playlist: New Music Releases

Our longest Weekend Playlist yet!

I don't know what's happening this week, but you may have picked up that every living, breathing artist is releasing new music. Seriously, name a heavy hitter in the industry and they're probably dropping a new song on August 25. Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, and more will grace our sound systems soon enough.

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You’ve most likely heard – or seen – Joe P’s song “Off My Mind” on TikTok – he’s always sharing clips of him singing alone in his backyard, no matter the weather.

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