Splendid Spoon Or Daily Harvest? Which One Should You Choose...

They both seem to offer the same meal plan but here are the key differences you need to know.

splendid spoon box opened with soups and smoothies on kitchen counter

At first glance, Daily Harvest and Splendid Spoon look to be very similar vegan meal delivery services. Both meal plans deliver plant-based smoothies, soups, and other offerings containing high quality meals right to your doorstep on a weekly basis.

But if you take a closer look, you'll actually find that there are a lot of differences between the two.

Convenience is king. And that's why so many people are turning to solutions like meal subscriptions to help them get through a busy week. To help you decide which company is a better fit for you, we've clearly outlined the key similarities and differences, so you can stop researching and start enjoying the convenience of having your meals delivered.

Key Similarities

  • Both deliver vegan smoothies and soups right to your doorstep
  • Both are subscription options (with the ability to pause or cancel at any time)
  • Both let you choose your recipes each week, and change it up based on your preferences
  • Both are vegan and GMO-Free

Key Differences

  • Splendid Spoon smoothies arrive ready to drink, whereas you have to blend the Daily Harvest smoothies
  • Splendid Spoons smoothies are 16oz and two servings, whereas Daily Harvests are one serving and just a little over 7oz before you add water
  • Therefore, Splendid Spoon is better value for money considering their smoothies are 2 servings
  • Daily Harvest has more options per week - 60 vs. Splendid Spoon's 50
  • Almost all of Splendid Spoon's smoothies contain between 5-12g of sugar per serving; however, most of Daily Harvest's smoothie sugar content ranges from 14g-32g per serving Yikes!
  • Splendid Spoon contains an amazing range of health-boosting ingredients like turmeric (a natural anti-inflammatory) and hemp seeds (rich in healthy fats)

Splendid Spoon Overview

Splendid Spoon wins on convenience. Their Smoothies arrive ready-to-drink, and their soups and grain bowls just require a few minutes in the microwave. Splendid Spoon will keep you fuller for longer due to their larger portions – their bowls are 12oz, and their smoothies are 16 oz.

Their smoothies feature ingredients such as acai (strengthens immunity and boosts energy), spirulina (jumpstarts endurance), and baobab (great for your skin!). Plus, their site is very easy to navigate and could have all of the information you could possibly want.

Their product offering also contains everything you could possibly need to keep your healthy eating on track. In addition to soups and smoothies, Splendid Spoon also offers grain bowls, Wellness Shots that give you a hit of immune-boosting ingredients like ginger and lemon, and something called "The Reset" - 5 light soups designed to restore your digestive system.

Splendid Spoon really has mastered the balance between texture and taste. Customers love the Kabocha Congee and their Mexican Tomato Bowl, and the reviews on their site speak for themselves.

Splendid Spoon Sale
Ready-To-Eat Vegan & Vegetarian Meals
Delivered To Your Door
Splendid Spoon Fall Sale: $100 Off

Daily Harvest Overview

Daily Harvest has a great product offering of items like grain bowls and flatbreads, but their smoothies must be blended, and meals can take up to 5 minutes to prepare.

Daily Harvest's bowls are between 8.5-11.5oz each, so their portions are a little on the smaller side. Although Daily Harvest's flavors are nice, their smoothies are a little on the thin side.

They have an impressive variety of recipes, such as the Kale + Kalamata Harvest Bowl and Green Chickpea + Turmeric Soup.

Final Notes

Whether you're a vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore, everyone can benefit from eating a wide variety of superfoods and reducing their intake of animal products. There are zero downsides to sticking to a plant-based diet, even if it's only for a portion of your week. You can't beat the convenience of having meals that are ready to eat, delivered right to your doorstep. Both services deliver just that, but if you're looking for value for money, a bigger range of nutritional benefits, bigger portions, and less sugar content,Splendid Spoon is the right option.

Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest meals start at around $8 each, but considering their smoothies are 2 portions each, and the ingredients list contains such an amazing range of superfoods, we think that Splendid Spoon is the best option for those wanting to add more plant-based wellness into their day

For A Limited Time, Follow This Link To Save On Splendid Spoon!

Am Ende jedes Jahres reflektiere ich gerne, um zu überlegen, welche neuen Gewohnheiten ich im neuen Jahr starten und etablieren möchte. Dieses Jahr war absolut verrückt und ich muss leider sagen, dass ich in ein ziemliches Loch gefallen bin. Das neue Jahr will ich deshalb frisch starten und plane dafür bereits, welche positiven Gewohnheiten ich 2021 in mein Leben integrieren möchte, damit das neue Jahr auch wirklich besser wird.

Hier sind meine Top 3 Gewohnheiten fürs neue Jahr und mein Plan, wie ich diese umsetzen will:

Neue Gewohnheit #1: Abwechslungsreichere Gerichte kochen

Eine meiner liebsten Beschäftigungen ist es, neue Gerichte und Rezepte auszuprobieren. Da ich natürlich dieses Jahr nicht oft essen gehen konnte, landete ich leider deutlich zu oft bei Tiefkühlware und Take-Away-Essen. Wie man sich vorstellen kann, wurde das irgendwann ziemlich langweilig und gesund war diese Ernährung auch nicht gerade.

Ein Freund hat mir dann HelloFreshempfohlen, eine Kochbox, die jede Woche Rezepte und vorportionierte Zutaten direkt zu einem nach Hause liefert. Tatsächlich kann man jede Woche selbst die Gerichte aus einer grossen Auswahl aussuchen, in der auch viel internationale Küche dabei ist. Es gibt indisch, thai, italienisch, spanisch, mexikanisch und noch viel mehr.

Das Chili con Carne mit Chorizo und Kichererbsen sah so fein aus und es wurde versichert, dass man den Plan jederzeit pausieren oder kündigen kann. Also probierte ich es aus und bin im Nachhinein auch wirklich froh, es getan zu haben. Ich habe gesünder gekocht und dabei noch jede Woche internationale Gerichte ausprobiert! Mein Favorit bisher ist der gebratener Halloumi im Fladenbrot. Einfach nur mega lecker!

Neue Gewohnheit #2: Weniger Geld ausgeben

Obwohl ich dieses Jahr weder grossartig ausgegangen, noch gereist bin, habe ich trotzdem einiges an Geld ausgegeben, das meiste davon für Lieferdienste. Am Anfang erschien es mir noch praktisch, dass ich so seltener einkaufen muss, aber ich habe mich schnell daran gewöhnt und mein Konto hat ziemlich darunter gelitten.

Jetzt wo ich HelloFresh Boxen bekomme, spare ich einiges an Geld. Ich habe mich für den Fleisch & Gemüse Menüplan für 2 Personen mit 4 Mahlzeiten entschieden. Das kostet ab 8,99 CHF pro Portion (Die Hälfte von meinem Take-Away Essen) und ich kann die Reste für das Mittagessen am nächsten Tag verwenden! Die Gerichte haben immer die perfekte Grösse, ich muss so nie irgendwas wegschmeissen.

Neue Gewohnheit #3: In eine bessere wöchentliche Routine finden

Dieses Jahr war ich einfach nur faul. Nach ein paar Wochen Home Office stand ich immer später auf, habe viel weniger Sport gemacht und nur noch schlecht gegessen. Mittlerweile versuche ich wieder, rechtzeitig aufzustehen und vor der Arbeit eine Runde zu spazieren. So bekomme ich den Kopf frei und tue mir etwas Gutes.

Jetzt wo ich ausserdem wieder selbst koche, habe ich viel mehr Energie. Ich freue mich jeden Abend nach der Arbeit auf meine HelloFresh Rezepte. Dadurch, dass die Zutaten vorportioniert und die Rezeptkarten super einfach zu verfolgen sind, bin ich meistens in rund 30 Minuten fertig mit kochen.

HelloFresh hat meinen Alltag wirklich verändert. Ich spare Geld, esse ausgewogener und internationaler. Jede Woche Lebensmittel direkt an meine Haustür zu bekommen, ist einfach praktisch und spart mir einige nervige Trips zum Supermarkt.

Ich bin wirklich jedes Mal stolz, wenn ich vor meinen selbstgekochten HelloFresh Gerichten sitze. HelloFresh hat mir auf jeden Fall geholfen, bessere Gewohnheiten zu formen, ich kann es nur empfehlen.

HelloFresh bietet unseren Lesern ein exklusives Angebot! Klicke auf diesen Link und erhalte 85 CHF Rabatt auf Deine ersten drei Lieferungen!


Splendid Spoon Or Daily Harvest? Which One Should You Choose!

They both seem to offer the same meal plan but here are the key differences you need to know.

At first glance, Daily Harvest and Splendid Spoon look to be very similar vegan meal delivery services. Both meal plans deliver plant-based smoothies, soups, and other offerings containing high quality meals right to your doorstep on a weekly basis.

But if you take a closer look, you'll actually find that there are a lot of differences between the two.

Convenience is king. And that's why so many people are turning to solutions like meal subscriptions to help them get through a busy week. To help you decide which company is a better fit for you, we've clearly outlined the key similarities and differences, so you can stop researching and start enjoying the convenience of having your meals delivered.

Key Similarities

  • Both deliver vegan smoothies and soups right to your doorstep
  • Both are subscription options (with the ability to pause or cancel at any time)
  • Both let you choose your recipes each week, and change it up based on your preferences
  • Both are vegan and GMO-Free

Key Differences

  • Splendid Spoon smoothies arrive ready to drink, whereas you have to blend the Daily Harvest smoothies
  • Splendid Spoons smoothies are 16oz and two servings, whereas Daily Harvests are one serving and just a little over 7oz before you add water
  • Therefore, Splendid Spoon is better value for money considering their smoothies are 2 servings
  • Daily Harvest has more options per week - 60 vs. Splendid Spoon's 50
  • Almost all of Splendid Spoon's smoothies contain between 5-12g of sugar per serving; however, most of Daily Harvest's smoothie sugar content ranges from 14g-32g per serving Yikes!
  • Splendid Spoon contains an amazing range of health-boosting ingredients like turmeric (a natural anti-inflammatory) and hemp seeds (rich in healthy fats)

Splendid Spoon Overview

Splendid Spoon wins on convenience. Their Smoothies arrive ready-to-drink, and their soups and grain bowls just require a few minutes in the microwave. Splendid Spoon will keep you fuller for longer due to their larger portions – their bowls are 12oz, and their smoothies are 16 oz.

Their smoothies feature ingredients such as acai (strengthens immunity and boosts energy), spirulina (jumpstarts endurance), and baobab (great for your skin!). Plus, their site is very easy to navigate and could have all of the information you could possibly want.

Their product offering also contains everything you could possibly need to keep your healthy eating on track. In addition to soups and smoothies, Splendid Spoon also offers grain bowls, Wellness Shots that give you a hit of immune-boosting ingredients like ginger and lemon, and something called "The Reset" - 5 light soups designed to restore your digestive system.

Splendid Spoon really has mastered the balance between texture and taste. Customers love the Kabocha Congee and their Mexican Tomato Bowl, and the reviews on their site speak for themselves.

Splendid Spoon - On Sale Now
Ready-To-Eat Vegan & Vegetarian Meals
Delivered to Your Door
Follow This Link For Up To $50 Off The Most Popular Plans

Daily Harvest Overview

Daily Harvest has a great product offering of items like grain bowls and flatbreads, but their smoothies must be blended, and meals can take up to 5 minutes to prepare.

Daily Harvest's bowls are between 8.5-11.5oz each, so their portions are a little on the smaller side. Although Daily Harvest's flavors are nice, their smoothies are a little on the thin side.

They have an impressive variety of recipes, such as the Kale + Kalamata Harvest Bowl and Green Chickpea + Turmeric Soup.

Final Notes

Whether you're a vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore, everyone can benefit from eating a wide variety of superfoods and reducing their intake of animal products. There are zero downsides to sticking to a plant-based diet, even if it's only for a portion of your week. You can't beat the convenience of having meals that are ready to eat, delivered right to your doorstep. Both services deliver just that, but if you're looking for value for money, a bigger range of nutritional benefits, bigger portions, and less sugar content, Splendid Spoon is the right option.

Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest meals start at around $8 each, but considering their smoothies are 2 portions each, and the ingredients list contains such an amazing range of superfoods, we think that Splendid Spoon is the best option for those wanting to add more plant-based wellness into their day.

The folks at Splendid Spoon are extending an exclusive offer to our readers! Follow this link and get up to $50 OFF the Most Popular Plans!