With the holiday season in full fa-la-la-la-flow, it’s time to reflect. When the year winds down, we feel a bit of burn out — you stare blankly at screens without motivation, you don’t want to work, and you’ve just spent all your money on gift giving.

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It feels like forever since I've graced everyone with a fresh batch of fresh music...but like all that's inevitable in life - love, loss, aging - I'm here again. Call me persistent, call me determined, call me relentless - I will not give up on finding new music worth listening to every single Friday.

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Your Weekend Playlist: New Music Releases

Surf Mesa, Cautious Clay, DYLVN, and more!

Here we are, another weekend playlist article where I round up the best new music released this week. And how are we literally almost through June? I'm packing my schedule with concerts and filling my playlists with throngs of new music because there's an endless amount.
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