It feels like it's been a minute since the last Weekend Playlist...hasn't it? I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and maybe took some much-needed time off work and socials. Sadly, we're in the dead of winter, which means I'm losing steam quickly.

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Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

The holidays have arrived...

It's a week before Thanksgiving, which means we have been thrust into the holiday season whether we were ready or not. While you're gearing up to see your family and friends for your obligatory annual catch-up conversations, we need new music now more than ever. Because there are travels to be completed, and soothing is needed.

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It feels like forever since I've graced everyone with a fresh batch of fresh music...but like all that's inevitable in life - love, loss, aging - I'm here again. Call me persistent, call me determined, call me relentless - I will not give up on finding new music worth listening to every single Friday.

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