new music today

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To This Friday

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To This Friday

How are we halfway through June already? It actually seems illegal how fast the summer passes by, there’s so much I want to accomplish in no time whatsoever. But enough about me, the main point here is that we’re looking at the weekend once again. Whether this was the best or worst week of your […]

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

Every few weeks, I get the same text from one of my friends: “Jai, I need new music. I’m tired of my rotation of usual playlists.” And to be honest, a little sigh emits from my mouth every time…why? Because I have a Weekend Playlist article every. Single. Week. I compile all of the latest, […]

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

When I was younger, I knew of two ways to get music: the legal way, paying $0.99 (and then $1.25) for songs on iTunes, and the illegal way, paying $0 to download the pirated versions on Limewire…Don’t lie, you had your ways, too. Maybe I’m aging myself by saying social media wasn’t as prevalent as […]

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

Your Weekend Playlist: New Music To Listen To

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m feeling a bit lackluster this week. It may be because of the raging illness I’ve been fighting- and I know I’m not alone here…but there is truly nothing I need more than the weekend and new music. I’m gearing up to cover Sea.Hear.Now festival in Asbury Park, […]