Why We Deserved That Abysmal Jordan Peterson v. Slavoj Žižek Debate

From presidential debates to masturbatory stand-offs between self-aggrandizing personalities, we only tune in to public discourse to sate voyeuristic impulses, not intellectual ones.

Jordan Peterson

Photo by Tony Norkus (Shutterstock)

What we know as debate today is a Trumpian debacle of factual errors and logical fallacies that affronts common sense but makes an excellent drinking game.

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Jordan Peterson and the Myth of the Modern Man

Critics frame him as "the stupid man's smart person." For millions of fans, Peterson whitewashes ultra-conservative beliefs with academic-sounding bluster, framing disaffected young men as mythic-grade heroes who have been undermined by modern liberalism and its loose moral structure.

Jordan Peterson

Photo by Tony Norkus (Shutterstock)

Take Sisyphus as an icon of masculine identity: see the stalwart, self-sacrificing, Adonic man on his hill, the hulking burden of his rock, and his never-ending tread.

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