
MUSIC MONDAY | Broadway Beats and Ballads

Songs from the Stage

Sunday night was the Tony Awards, so let's get into the Broadway groove with some hits from The Great White Way.

Musicals are always entertaining, and some of the songs that emerge from the stages of The Big Apple stay with us long after we leave our high-priced seats and head for the subway. Get ready to rock or relax to some of Broadway's best. Moving and memory-making, these tunes are the soundtrack of our lives.

"Seasons of Love" Rent

Rent was one of those musicals that changed people's minds, gave insight into the everyday as well as the big picture, and taught us what it means to truly be alive. "Seasons of Love" is not only a beautiful song musically, but its lyrics are thought-provoking and profound. "How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?"

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