Film News

Can a Secret Trump, COVID-19 Documentary Sway the Election?

Totally Under Control is premiering on Netflix at a moment when it's revelations about the Trump administration have serious potential to change minds.

Donald Trump

Photo by Evan El-Amin, Shutterstock

In the lead-up to a presidential election in the US, there is always a rush among authors and documentarians to share a perspective on one candidate or the other.

Whether they're driven by pure opportunism—making a cash grab amid the nation's political fervor—or by a sense of moral duty to expose important truths to the voting public, there is always a question of whether these efforts can really make a difference in an election's outcome.

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Culture Feature

When Steve Bannon Believed in Climate Change: “Spaceship Earth” Explores Isolation, Communes, and Armageddon

Hulu's "Spaceship Earth" documentary explores Steve Bannon's role in an experiment that began on a commune in California.

Steve Bannon via

In 1991, eight people locked themselves in a gigantic biosphere in Arizona for two years. It was an experiment designed to see if humans could maintain the delicate balance needed for a self-sufficient existence.

The experiment succeeded, somewhat. Then its operations were abruptly ceded to Steve Bannon.

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