I know I say this often, so you probably think I’m a miserable person…but I promise I’m actually quite happy most of the time. There are a few things that anger me to my core — most of them revolving around television series — and I must speak up when it’s right.

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Los servicios de streaming se han vuelto tan populares debido a sus pagos mensuales asequibles y fijos y la comodidad de ver los programas cuando quieras, pero tener acceso a contenido en vivo sigue siendo una necesidad.

Cuando se trata de deportes y otros eventos en vivo, o simplemente programas de televisión básicos que no se pueden conseguir en línea, se necesitan canales. Pero cuando ves la factura del cable cada mes, te preguntas si realmente vale la pena.

¿Y si hubiera un compromiso más asequible? Aquí está: fuboTV.

fuboTV es un servicio que transmite televisión en vivo a través de Internet, y al mismo tiempo ofrece opciones por demanda. Pero eso es sólo el principio de por qué nos encanta esta compañía. Aquí hay 5 razones más por las que necesitas fuboTV:

1.No hay contrato

La mayoría de nosotros pensamos que firmar un contrato largo es sólo parte del acuerdo si quieres tus canales favoritos. Con fuboTV, no hay contrato. La suscripción para su plan Latino Quarterly se paga cada 3 meses, y puedes cancelar en línea en cualquier momento, así que no estás atado. Además, ofrecen una prueba gratuita de 7 días, para que puedas tener una idea de todo lo que ofrece antes de registrarte.

2. Todos los canales que quieres bajo un mismo techo

fuboTV ofrece más de 32 canales bajo un mismo techo. fuboTV ofrece todos los canales básicos que necesitas, como UniMas, Discovery en Español, Univision, Discovery Familia, Cine Sony, El Gourmet, Mas Chic, Nuestra Tele Internacional y Nat Geo Mundo, por nombrar algunos. Además de todos los deportes que se pueden conseguir, especialmente el fútbol, con canales como TUDN, FOX Deportes, ESPN Deportes, Zona Futbol, TyC Sports, GOL TV, TUDNxtra (1-11) y beIN Sports.

3.Mucha variedad

Puedes ver más de 100+ eventos en vivo con fuboTV incluyendo todos los principales partidos de fútbol. Eso significa LaLiga, Ligue 1, UEFA Champions League y Liga MX, todo sin costo adicional.

fuboTV es famoso por sus ofertas deportivas, pero tienen todo tipo de género que puedas desear, por lo que le encantará a toda la familia. Siéntate a disfrutar una noche de película con Cine Sony, viaja por el mundo con Nat Geo Mundo, o incluso aprende algunas recetas nuevas y deliciosas con El Gourmet.

Sin mencionar que obtienes 250 horas de grabación DVR en la nube para grabar cosas, por lo que no tienes que preocuparte por perder un show en vivo.

4. Es asequible

OK, ¡consigues todo esto por sólo $33 al mes! Y con el prepago de 3 meses, sólo pagas $99 4 veces al año. Teniendo en cuenta lo caro que es el cable y lo mucho que fuboTV ofrece, esto es una ganga.

5. Hasta 3 perfiles en muchos dispositivos diferentes

Con fuboTV, puedes tener hasta tres perfiles diferentes. Incluso puedes transmitir activamente en hasta 10 dispositivos diferentes al mismo tiempo, si tienes el complemento Pantallas ilimitadas. fuboTVfunciona en cualquier computadora, iPhone, iPad, teléfono y tableta Android, Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, Samsung Smart TV, Xbox y Amazon Fire TV. ¡Puedes grabar algo desde un dispositivo mientras estás viendo algo más desde otro!

fuboTV es la opción perfecta para cualquier persona que esté harta de pagar en exceso por el cable, pero todavía quiere una oferta que sea igual de robusta (si no más). Es asequible, conveniente y ofrece características que no se pueden obtener con un contrato de cable regular. Haz tu prueba gratuita de 7 días hoy, ¡no te arrepentirás!

Haga clic aquí para comenzar su prueba gratuita de Fubo TV para disfrutar de la televisión en vivo y los deportes sin contratos ni compromisos!


9 Strange—but Great—Disney Channel Original Movies You Forgot About

Including mermaids, holograms, and aliens aplenty.


Photo by Geoffrey Moffett on Unsplash

Disney+ is trickling its way into our daily dependence on streaming services.

This means we've unlocked a whole new world (Aladdin pun intended) of movies to watch half-attentively while we also scroll on our phones. You probably already know of all the classic Disney Originals that are at your disposal, but what about the Disney Channel Originals?

It's probably a given that big hits like High School Musical, Zenon, and Camp Rock are now available for your adult self to stream and reminisce, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. Name a DCOM, and it's likely available on Disney+, including all the strange, ridiculous low-fliers you might've forgotten about. Here are just nine to kickstart your nostalgia trip.

1. Alley Cats Strike!

Anything goes in the Disney Channel universe, including a bowling match to settle a basketball championship tie between rival towns. Why are both towns so invested in high school bowling? Why do the teenage winners get to pick the name of a new school in the area? We don't know, but we're still chasing the high of that final scene.

2. Stepsister from Planet Weird

In this sci-fi comedy from 2000, a literal alien refugee is immediately welcomed into the popular crowd at her new high school on Earth, despite thinking her human form is "grotesque." Not to mention that the emperor of her home planet is defeated by hair dryers and wind blowers.

3. Can of Worms

On the other end of the spectrum of Disney Channel's alien fixation, Can of Worms centers around Mike, who lives an entirely normal life besides believing he doesn't belong on Earth at all. After he accidentally sends a message to space, he's visited by an alien lawyer who deems Earth's living standards subpar. Strangely eerie 20 years later, isn't it?

4. The Thirteenth Year

Cody's birth mother is a mermaid who left him on a random boat when he was a baby. Now, as Cody approaches his teens, his merman features are beginning to present themselves, and he nearly gets accused for cheating during his swim meet. It's just fins, not steroids!

5. Luck of the Irish

There's little to take away from this film other than a white teenage boy finally embraces that he is both Irish and from Ohio, but leprechauns and river dancing will never not be amusing.

6. Motocrossed

Five years before Amanda Bynes posed as her own twin brother in She's the Man, Disney Channel offered their own adaptation of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. After Andi's brother gets injured, she decides to fill in for him in an all-male motocross tournament, chopping her hair off and all. The sexism is abundant, but—spoiler alert—Andi can totally take on the guys.

7. The Other Me

Poor Will. His grades are slipping, his dad is threatening to send him to military camp, and he just accidentally made a clone of himself who turns out to be way cooler and smarter than him, so they switch places. Kinda like the Parent Trap, but sciencey.

8. You Wish!

The lesson this film attempts to impart is: don't wish away your little brother, because he might instead become a child TV star and make your life even more of a living hell than it was when you lived under the same roof.

9. Pixel Perfect

The perfect pop star doesn't exist, until, of course, you make a hologram of her. Loretta Modern might have been programmed to become an overnight sensation, but she just wants to be a regular human, damn it! She ends up being helpful in more ways than one, but like all modern technology, she can't last forever.

Maybe they didn't all make total sense, but there's a reason DCOMs became such an integral part of growing up in the 2000s. DCOM creators conceived some of the strangest, most fringe ideas, and served them to a market that didn't mind how nonsensical they were; pair that with Disney Channel's omnipresence in the typical middle-class American household, and these oddly lovable films serve as a timestamp for an era.

TV Features

Binge-watching Challenge: Start a Show at Season 3

It's possible to spare ourselves the slog of shows when they're just starting out.

Quarantine: when jobs have either been lost or relegated to the living room, wherein social functions are limited to Zoom, wherein the 24-hours in a day can really be felt.

With less to physically fill the time, the time remains unfilled. Fortunately, sequestered humans have never had such a bevy of entertainment options available to them. But that kind of freedom can be paralyzing. Never has there been a better time for binge-watching, but what are we to binge? And how?

Since all this free-time demands discipline, here's an unconventional suggestion: Pick one of the all-time great shows, something you've always wanted to watch but couldn't find the motivation nor time to do so, and start not at the beginning, but at season three instead. Whether it's a comedy or a drama or simply something you've put off watching because the plot is too involved or the show is too hyped, ignore the first two seasons entirely, and fall into a world that's already in motion. Using our knowledge of television in general, and by tapping into the cultural conversation of characters and references, we can spare ourselves the slow starts of seasons one and two, and get right to the meat of the matter. Why sit around waiting for a show to find itself? Why settle for less than the best?

First seasons are often uneven or uncertain, anyway. Second seasons are often better and more compelling, but shows that make it to season three emerge with a clear tone and complete characters: two necessities for any show with long-term success.

Examples abound of shows finding themselves in their third seasons. Arguably, the greatest comedies of the 21st century are The Office and Parks and Recreation, though contenders such as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Curb Your Enthusiasm are important to the discussion, as well. As for dramatic examples, look to the Olympic podium of TV's Golden Era: Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and Mad Men.

Mad Men Season 3 Promo PhotoAMC

A weighted-review aggregation site like Metacritic is not the law, but it is useful. The numbers almost universally favor third seasons and beyond. Parks and Rec improves in score from a 58 in season one to an 83 in season three, a change signifying an ascension from "mixed or average reviews" to "Universal Acclaim," in the critics' words. The Office's highest overall score is season three's 85. Breaking Bad starts solidly with its first two season garnering scores of 73 and 84, but in its final three earns marks of 89, 96, and 99, an unprecedented run of greatness. Game of Thrones' two highest marks of 91 and 94 are for seasons three and four, respectively. Mad Men is the lone outlier of the bunch, as its second season outscores its third by a single point. However, its fourth season, ruled a 92, is the series' high-point. Why? Shows generally hit their strides in season three.

First, character development peaks at season three. First seasons tend to be myopic about their characters, hoping that closeness will lead viewers to love them. Season two is the experimentation room, wherein worlds shift, and season three is the fruit of that labor, with confident characters and expanded worlds.

By season three, the main characters have been poked and prodded for two full seasons, experimented on until their truest selves have been revealed. How? Conflict. Characters are made complete, in mold and mindset, through consistent conflict. They are built through what are essentially a series of thought experiments: How would x react if y? A byproduct of such conflict is a fleshing out of a show's world. Conflict requires fresh subjects to be placed before a character, be they fresh faces, strange circumstances, or unfamiliar situations.

For instance, two of Parks and Rec's most iconic characters, Ben Wyatt and Chris Traeger aren't introduced until the very end of season two, where they immediately begin foiling Amy Poehler and Rashida Jones, the series leads. Breaking Bad's first two seasons lack the series' big bad, Gus Fring, creator of the fictional restaurant, Los Pollos Hermanos, the logo of which adorns the show's most popular merchandise; yet, it's only introduced in concept at the tail-end of the second season. The Office changes dramatically in season three, adding mainstay Andy Dwyer, flirting with a young Rashida Jones, and cementing Jim and Pam's relationship, which was until then a typical will-they-won't-they situation. Once resolved, it formed the literal backbone upon which the show is built.

Once they got together, Jim-and-Pam as a concept burst outside the confines of the show they were in, taking up real-estate in the general pop culture consciousness. The great shows, the all-timers, the ones you really should be watching in this quarantine time, share this Jungian trait. One doesn't need to have watched Seinfeld to understand the terms "shrinkage" or "close-talker." "We were on a break," is just part of our dialect.

Though this principle doesn't inform our viewing of many great shows, it does so with some of our touchstone comedies, like the aforementioned It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Curb your Enthusiasm. Shows of this format don't have one cohesive story pulling them along; it's possible, if not normal, to jump around to the great episodes through seasons, without care for continuity. Once it's known that the characters in Always Sunny are narcissists who work at a bar, it's easy to understand any episode, to jump in without further background. Ditto Curb, where Larry David is culturally understood to be an off-putting schmuck, and that's all one must know for maximum enjoyment.

Because the DNA of these two shows, and their dramatic brethren like Grey's Anatomy and NCIS, is accessible via collective unconscious, we culturally understand that it's unnecessary to sit and watch every single episode in a row. We know enough from our general human wanderings that we can skip the fluff and enjoy the standout performances and pieces, allowing superfluous details to slowly fill themselves in, as they always do.

Which of the truly great shows don't also already exist in our cultural consciousness? Nobody goes in blind to any piece of art nowadays, so it's hard to think of even one. Everyone knows Tony Soprano is a gangster in therapy. Lost takes place on an island post-plane crash. Jon Snow in Game of Thrones is a bastard, and if that isn't abundantly clear, they'll say it five or six times an episode.

No show is ever entered into truly blind. Between our bevy of previous cultural knowledge and the practice we've had in consuming other content en media res, it's possible to spare ourselves the slog of shows when they're just starting out. We've just never strayed from the unimaginative formula that shows are best began at the beginning. But that's clinging to tradition alone. Shows in season three will contain characters at their most compelling, jokes at their most pointed, worlds at their most alive. The show itself will be easier to enjoy, and that enjoyment will come quicker. Is that not the point? Maximum enjoyment, minimum commitment.

And when it's all over, when you love these people desperately and want so bad to live in their world for just a few minutes more, you can rejoice! For there are two more seasons for you to watch, saved, untouched. Their growing pains will seem quaint, their iffy characterizations cute. And the exercise alone will make you feel powerful, able to ground yourself in a world in movement.

Noah CentineoiHeartRadio Wango Tango, Los Angeles, USA - 02 Jun 2018

Photo by Mediapunch/Shutterstock

Back in summer 2018, Netflix introduced us to the power couple of Lana Condor and Noah Centineo—better known as Lara Jean Covey and Peter Kavinsky, the romantic focus of To All the Boys I've Loved Before.

Arguably the best Netflix original rom-com in recent history (seriously—it has a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes), To All the Boys solidified Centineo's status as an official White Boy of the Month and "the internet's boyfriend" upon its release. But all fleeting teen crushes must come to an end, and the Centineo storm has since simmered down, partially due to his unbearably cringey social media presence. And if the just-released trailer for the sequel, To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You, is any indication, it seems Lara Jean might be starting to get over Peter, too.

To All The Boys P.S. I Still Love You | Official Trailer | Netflixwww.youtube.com

The follow-up finds the pair of Lara Jean and Peter in a newly "real" relationship, having spent most of the first film in a phony fling to spark jealousy in their mutual rival, Gen. All seems fine and well, but things get tricky when John Ambrose McClaren—the last recipient of Lara Jean's many love letters—makes a surprise appearance. It's a love triangle to end all love triangles!

Surely, this sequel can't be better than its original, but as a viewer who identified with Lara Jean to an alarming degree, I'll absolutely be tuning in (and continuing to fear the day that my private Tumblr from high school inevitably gets leaked).


The Cartoon Wars Are Upon Us: Nickelodeon Signs Streaming Deal with Netflix

Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, or Nickelodeon: Which classic cartoon channel is the best?


Hot on the heels of the Disney Channel library going live on Disney+ and Cartoon Network being slated for HBO Max, Nickelodeon and Netflix have settled on a multi-year streaming deal.

Now, at long last, all the archives of the Big Three '90s cartoon channels––Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon––will be available for 24/7 streaming. Thus begins the official Cartoon Wars of 2019.

See, if you actually want to be able to access all three archives at any given time, you'll be spending $35 per month across all three subscription services. Us millennials can barely afford an avocado toast, let alone three separate streaming platforms. But let's be honest, nobody actually likes Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon equally, anyways. One of them is clearly better than the other two.

If you grew up watching '90s cartoons, reading that last sentence gave you a visceral gut reaction, guaranteed.

disney GargoylesDisney

Maybe your first thought was something like: "I loved Gargoyles, that show was bomb. Disney Channel ftw."

Or maybe your reaction was more personal, echoing something deeper: "Rugrats formed the very foundation of my childhood. Chuckie's relationship with his father informed my own experience growing up in a single-parent household after my mother's tragic death when I was very young."

Too bad you'd be wrong in both of those scenarios. The best channel was Cartoon Network. Why? Because Cartoon Network had everything. Genius boy scientist doing wacky experiments? Dexter's Laboratory. Female empowerment superhero narrative? Powerpuff Girls. Oh, and don't forget Samurai Jack, which won eight Primetime Emmy Awards.

Samurai JackCartoon Network

And let's not even get into Adult Swim, which kept the cartoon goodness going late into the night. Without a doubt, Cartoon Network was the superior source for all things cartoons.

All joking aside, it's exciting to finally have all the best cartoons from our childhoods streaming at our fingertips. But at the same time, I can't help but feel that when everything is set up on competing platforms, we're finally reaching a point when streaming has come full circle.

Netflix's biggest disruption to the classic TV model was its ability to give viewers so much content that was available anytime they wanted it, all in one place. Why would anyone need a cable subscription when so many great shows were available on demand for a cheaper price?

But now that there are so many competing streaming platforms breaking different content up across different subscription platforms, we've circled back into a bastardized "channel" model. We're essentially paying for premium channels all over again.

In a twist fully reflective of our capitalist hellscape, the enhanced corporate competition to get our money for accessible content has ultimately made said content increasingly less accessible. Moreover, they all get a lot more of our data now, which means that on top of returning to what essentially amounts to a feudal channel system, we're also giving companies a lot more access to our personal info. Good thing they're only using our nostalgia-driven data to peddle us more harmless nostalgia though, right?

Still, it's nice to have so many beloved cartoons, at the very least, available. And while I might not keep every subscription going long-term, I certainly look forward to abusing a few free trials.