On Friday, December 8, Nicki Minaj went back to her roots by releasing the second installment of her no-skips debut album, Pink Friday, with Pink Friday 2. The 2010 debut included radio hits like "Super Bass", "Fly (feat. Rihanna)", and "Moment 4 Life", and went triple Platinum. So you can imagine the hype behind The Queen of Hip-Hop's fifth studio album is surging to an all-time high...

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Twitter as Social Capital: You Are Not a "Personal Brand"

Human beings are not "brands," and the human experience should not be brandable.

Internet writers truly are vultures.

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Frontpage Popular News

Time's Up, Elon

On October 22, 2022, Elon Musk assumed his tyrannical reign over Twitter. Promising users that their voices matter - spoiler alert: they don’t. By urging them to decide Twitter's fate through polls, Elon’s TwitterVerse was decreed a “good thing.” However, it’s been anything but.

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Top Stories

Who Is The White Boy Of The Month?

The most coveted title on the internet

Aaron Taylor-Johnson at the Los Angeles premiere of 'Bullet Train' held at the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, USA on August 1, 2022.

By Tinseltown / Shutterstock

A fresh month and a summer packed with blockbusters and obsession-worthy streaming titles mean only one thing: there’s a new White Boy of the Month.

For the less Online amongst us, the White-Boy-of-the-Month is now a cultural staple. It’s a coveted moniker that — Presto! — turns actors into verifiable heartthrobs.

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Film News

Please Make the Gabrielle Union and John Cho Romcom Happen

Gabrielle Union is stoking Twitter fires asking for a movie starring her and John Cho

John Cho and Gabrielle Union in Flash Forward

via ABC

Every few months, Twitter users become screenwriters and use the TL to concoct elaborate concepts of films they want to see and actors they want to cast, and every so often these pseudo-storyboard threads go viral.

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Culture News

Yeah, but Which Brand Has the Healthiest Chicken Sandwich?

Wendy's, Popeye's, Burger King...or Chick-fil-A?

Burger King's Ch'King sandwich

Photo by Devin Berko on Unsplash

The #ChickenSandwichTwitter war of 2019 embodied some prime late-stage capitalism in action.

Social media accounts for a bunch of fast-food brands are trying to get you to buy their lousy chicken sandwiches by memeing at each other, and it's working. Their "cool" marketing bullshit is absolutely going to make you want a chicken sandwich.

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