Conway the Machine has long been seen as Griselda's steely doyen, a lyrical force of nature with one of the most distinctive voices in rap.

After an attempted assassination inflicted him with Bells Palsy and permanently paralyzed the right side of his face, the emcee learned how to use a newly distinctive slur to his advantage and has since developed a captivating flow that is sharp and disarming.

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Griselda Records, Drumwork & EMPIRE or the artist Conway the Machine

When Buffalo emcee Conway The Machine was shot in the back of the head in 2012, it paralyzed the right half of his face and left him grief-stricken.

"I just got into this shell, and I was just f*cked up," he recently told Complex. "I didn't want to come out of the house or come out of my room. I thought people were going to be looking at me crazy." But in his eyes, this depressive episode wasn't due to the life-altering trauma he experienced, but due to "in a sense, [caring] what people [thought] for a small moment."

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Music Lists

5 Relaxing Rap Albums to Get You Out of Your Head

Stay calm in post-election season with these transporting albums

Music impacts us differently these days.

The albums we usually listened to on our daily commutes suddenly bring us pangs of bitter nostalgia now that there's nowhere to go. Bright optimistic tunes suddenly sound hollow, and we can't help but feel especially resentful towards songs that make us wanna dance and party.

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