These days, the Keto diet is everywhere. With celebrities like Lebron James, Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow singing its praises, it's easy to see why it has become the go-to diet for sustainable weight loss. The Keto diet involves a strict limit on carb intake that forces the body into a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of glucose.

While most people go on Keto to lose weight, the diet can also do a ton to boost the body's wellbeing. Its proven benefits include everything from heightened energy levels to clearer skin. But for those just getting started, getting into a state of ketosis and staying there can prove a little tricky. The process takes over a week and can leave you with flu-like symptoms. Luckily, there's MyKeto, a supplemental ketone powder specifically engineered to kick start your body into a state of ketosis (and without the dreaded Keto flu).

Taking the powdered supplement is as easy as making a shake. You mix it right into a glass of cold water or your favorite beverage. The supplement, that comes in flavors like Orange Mango and Chocolate Fudge, is made up of exogenous ketones that send your body into ketosis faster and can help you rebound if you've cheated with too many carbs.

If you're still unsure whether going Keto is really worth it, here are some lesser-known benefits that might convince you.

1. The Keto diet improves brain function.

When the body relies on carbs for energy instead of fat, it can create an inconsistent energy source because blood sugar levels tend to rise and fall. The inconsistency often results in an inability to focus for long periods of time. When the brain runs on ketones instead, there's increased stability of neurons that improve memory, mental clarity and focus.

2. It can boost energy.

Eating foods full of carbs can cause an insulin spike. That's why you might be ready for a nap after eating a bowl of chicken alfredo. Ketosis lowers insulin levels, eliminating fatigue and the risk of a sugar crash while increasing energy levels.

3. It can help with inflammatory conditions like acne and psoriasis.

While in ketosis, your body produces a ketone called BHB, which suppresses a toxin that's related to inflammatory diseases like acne, arthritis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The lower insulin levels that result from eating less sugar and processed foods can also help you achieve more radiant and even-toned skin.

4. It can help with several women's health issues.

Studies show that when blood sugar and insulin levels in the body are low, there's a high chance that other hormone levels in women will stabilize. This can help treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, reduce the symptoms of prolonged or irregular periods, and result in improved fertility.

5. It can help you gain muscle and improve endurance.

While it may seem like you need carbs to gain muscle, that's not true. Ketones encourage muscle growth and recovery post-workout. Rather than hurt muscle performance, the keto diet actually improves it since your body is now using fats as its predominant energy source.

If you're looking to boost your health, then the Keto diet is absolutely worth it. Getting used to a new way of eating might be hard, but MyKeto supplements will make the transition that much easier. No need to stress out on cheat days. MyKeto's got you covered by helping you get back into a state of ketosis faster.

MyKeto is extending a special limited time offer to our readers: Click here for 15% OFF (coupon applied at checkout) or 20% OFF when you subscribe!


Diets are daunting, and the keto lifestyle (which is super low in carbs and sugar) is no exception. But once you get your body in ketosis, the stage where your body burns fat for energy, the benefits are enormous--increased energy, quick weight loss, improved muscle tone, and more.

The difficulty is staying there. That's why MyKeto makes a supplemental ketone powder specifically engineered for those of us who want to see long term success on the keto diet. Here's everything you need to know.

What is MyKeto?

MyKetomakes tasty products that support your keto diet. Their most popular blend, an Exogenous Ketones BHB supplement, comes in two flavors, Chocolate Fudge and Orange Mango. It works by boosting your ketone levels when you need it most, so you don't lose your motivation and fall off the keto-diet-horse.

Who is it for?

MyKeto is for people who want to stick to the keto diet long term. Keto has enormous benefits for our overall health, waistline, and energy levels, but it's no secret that cutting out virtually all carbs and sugar is no picnic. That's why the first few days on a keto diet are known as the "keto flu," or the headache and fatigued feeling we all get when we withdraw from carbs and sugar. MyKeto is an easy, and delicious way for you to beat the keto flu time and time again.

How do I use it?

Mix one scoop of either the Chocolate Fudge or Orange Mango with 8-10 ounces of water or your favorite beverage, like nut milk or your morning coffee or smoothie. You can use MyKeto before or after workouts to stay energized after indulgent nights out to reset your body into ketosis, or even when you're traveling to ensure you have a keto-friendly option.

Why are supplements necessary on a keto diet?

It can take a while for our bodies to adjust to a keto diet and to get into ketosis. All of us experience setbacks, but this shouldn't have an impact on overall progress. Whether you slipped up and had a beer and need to get back on track, or if you're merely looking for a way to get into keto without feeling like you need sugar ASAP, MyKeto supplements get you to ketosis in just a day or two, without going through the keto flu.

What makes MyKeto different from other brands?

MyKeto understands that we're human. Diets sometimes go haywire. They also understand what we need to successfully live a keto lifestyle: good taste, consistency to help keep us motivated and on track, and 100% all-natural ingredients that nourish our bodies. Set your subscription to every 1, 2, 3 or 4 months so you can save and get MyKeto as often as you need to succeed.

If you're on the keto diet or are thinking about trying it out, you no longer have to worry about the dreaded "keto flu." Thanks to MyKeto, difficult days won't prevent you from getting your body to its best place.

Update:MyKeto is extending a special limited time offer to our readers! Follow this link for 15% off your next order (discount automatically applied at checkout).