
Parents, Don’t Throw the Kitchen Sink at Acne: Why Treating with Less is More

Let’s face it:  Acne sucks.  I had it growing up and it was terrible, and now my daughter has it even worse than I do.  She was on her 5th breakout in as many weeks and nothing we were trying worked.  We basically were throwing the drugstore aisle at the problem, and all we got for it was a long receipt and mess of bottles taking up our bathroom counter.  You can only tell your kid “it happens to everyone” so many times until it doesn’t mean anything, and Anna wasn’t having it anymore.  Every medication either dried her skin out and made things worse, or was just a multi-step assembly process that made her late for school every morning.

Then I wondered, maybe less can be more.  Using so many different treatments takes too long and couldn’t have been good for her skin, and I know she always forgets a step or two in those acne regimens if she’s in a rush.  She and I started looking for one-step products when we came across X Out.

I had heard about X Out Wash-In Treatment before and I’d seen the ads, but I wasn’t sure what to think of it. What makes it any different from the rest of those acne treatments out there?  Unlike other acne products that can really dry out your face, X Out contains moisturizing ingredients to keep your skin feeling clean and fresh without over drying.  It was also way more affordable than the other acne regimens we looked at, and everything was in just one bottle.  It sounded almost too good to be true, but my daughter’s eyes lit up when I asked if she wanted to try it. We ordered a bottle for her and hoped for the best as we waited for it to arrive.

As soon as she started using it, she saw results almost immediately.  Her face began to clear up within days, and she was so excited at how clean and fresh her skin felt every morning! The best part about it was that it’s three different treatments in one:  a cleanser for everyday use, a spot treatment for pesky blemishes, and even as a facial mask for a deeper cleanse.

No more having to worry about juggling a bunch of different products for her daily routine: everything she needed she could get in just one bottle of X Out. I’m so happy seeing my daughter kick her acne to the curb.

Follow this link to your X Out Basic Kit for just $19.95 with FREE Shipping, and a FREE Cleansing Body Bar with purchase. Your kid will thank you!