What "The Great Reset" Is and Why It Should Scare You

It may not be a shadowy communist conspiracy to "destroy American capitalism," but it should still scare you.

The Great Reset

Those familiar with The Blaze founder Glenn Beck may have understood what it meant, on Monday, when "The Great Reset" started trending on Twitter.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had said in a speech to the UN that the coronavirus pandemic "provided an opportunity for a reset." And for those in the know — or those looking for evidence of a totalitarian scheme in every instance of global cooperation — that was reason enough to start panicking.

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Steven Mnuchin Can Give Greta Thunberg Life Advice After He Becomes Human

He's in Davos this week, deflecting questions and smelling with his tongue.

Photo by Markus Spiske (Unsplash)

United States Treasury Secretary and noted lizard-person Steven Mnuchin was confronted about Greta Thunberg's policy proposals at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.

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