
8 Options for Donald Trump to Come Back "in Some Form"

Whether as a Pokémon, a Force ghost, or a cable news pundit, we can expect to see a lot more of Donald Trump.

'We will be back in some form': Trump vows return in final speech

In recent weeks reports have surfaced that former-president Trump has been telling people that he could somehow be reinstated to the presidency, possibly as soon as August of this year.

But for as much fanfare as those stories have gotten — given that they're based on absolutely nothing — it's worth noting that they aren't really a new issue. Back in January, Donald Trump was addressing a gathering of his followers at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland for the final speech of his presidency, and dropped some similar hints.

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Square Enix

They don't make JRPGs like they used to, but maybe that's a good thing.

While classic JRPGs thrived during the PlayStation 1 era and saw major innovations during the PlayStation 2 era, the PlayStation 3 era marked a major fall from grace for the genre. Save for a few major titles like Dark Souls and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, fresh JRPG releases had grown increasingly scarce, and even the more major titles like Final Fantasy XIII were plagued by mixed reviews.

But with the PlayStation 4, JRPGs have seen a return to prominence. Sure, there may not be as many individual releases of bizarre, unheard of IPs like there were during the PS1 era, but PS4 era JRPGs have more than made up for quantity with quality. These are the best-of-the-best:

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TV Lists

Top 9 Best Anime Villains, RANKED

Who doesn't LOVE a good villain?


An anime series is only as good as its villains.

Great villains can make or break any story, and anime just so happens to have some of the best. From over-the-top galactic conquerors to sociopathic high schoolers and psychotic fathers, anime villains are a diverse bunch.

So as an anime fan with a useless screenwriting degree, I'm ranking the best anime villains based on how complex they feel as characters and how well they function within the larger narrative.

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TV Features

The Top 3 Anime Fights (That Don't Feature Main Protagonists)

Sometimes the undercard matches are better than the headline fights.


Usually the most epic fights in anime are the ones between the main hero and the baddest villain.

Showdowns in the vein of Goku vs. Frieza are the culmination of entire story arcs. These are the fights where the villains pull out their most terrifying powers, and the heroes draw on everything they've experienced so far in order to transcend their abilities and, more often than not, develop a new final form.

But while the headline fights might be the bread and butter of anime hype, sometimes the undercard matches are incredible in their own right. Long-running anime series are particularly great at fleshing out side-characters who would most likely get shoved to the side in a lot of other kinds of stories, and sometimes their battles hit even harder than those of the main heroes.

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Culture Feature

The 5 Most Badass Anime Video Games

The best anime games are the ones that look the coolest and make you feel the most powerful.

Every anime fan who also loves video games (so...pretty much all of us) knows the feeling of watching an epic battle go down and thinking, "Damn, it would be so cool to play that."

By and large, video games based on anime series are not intended to be groundbreaking (although plenty of them do have a lot of literal ground breaking). Most anime games feature relatively simple gameplay with the primary goal of looking cool and allowing players to feel powerful, regardless of whether or not they're actually skilled with a controller.
So what makes a great anime video game, exactly, if not technical excellence? Badassery. Let's take a look.
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TV Features

Why Yu Yu Hakusho Still Holds Up Better Than Any Other Old School Anime

Even to this day, "Dark Tournament" remains the defining shonen "Tournament Arc."


Oftentimes, it's impossible to separate the quality of the anime we grew up watching from the sense of nostalgia those series evoke.

Case in point: Dragon Ball Z. Historically, DBZ is likely the most influential anime series of all time, both redefining the shonen genre for every series that came after it and introducing an entire generation of Western kids to Japanese animation through the legendary Funimation dub on Cartoon Network's Toonami block. Chances are high that if you meet someone who loves anime and grew up in the late '90s or early 2000s, they'll have a deeply personal bond with DBZ.

At the same time, it's hard to argue that DBZ holds up in the modern day, especially for new viewers coming in with fresh eyes. The pacing of the original series is super slow, the fights drag out forever, and while DBZ created so many of shonen's most prevalent tropes ("This isn't even my final form!"), almost everything DBZ ever did has since been done better by other series.

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