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If there's anything we can count on about Game of Thrones fans, it's that they generate superb Internet content.

Honestly, the most convincing reason to keep watching the HBO mega-hit is to understand your twitter feed after the show. We're left with tons of questions from this week's episode (how old is Arya?! Did Jon leave the crypt the whole episode? What's up with Jaime's bangs?,) but we're also left with memes that are arguably more entertaining than the show itself. Enjoy.

The internet was aghast that Arya Stark turned out to have sexual energy. Here are some of the best reactions to Arya and Gendry gettin' it on in the crypt:

One of the most meme-able characters this episode was Tormund, who not only casually shared a, um, fascinating anecdote about being breastfed by a giant but also proved that time had done nothing to dilute his deep love for Brienne.

Perhaps the king of Game of Thrones memes and sizzling one liners, Bran also got plenty of internet love after the episode.

Lets not forget the online frenzy caused by Jon and Dany's crypt convo.

And that dire wolf cameo!

Hopefully, no matter how much GoT continues to spoon feed viewers expected plot points, we'll at least have plenty of quality tweets to keep us warm.

Brooke Ivey Johnson is a Brooklyn based writer, playwright, and human woman. To read more of her work visit her blog or follow her twitter @BrookeIJohnson.


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